submitted by punchmonk on Thursday, March 25 2010 at 12:31 AM
It's time for the 9th Annual TWW Easter Egg Hunt! The contest will start on Thursday April 1 at 5:00 PM and will end on Friday April 2 at 5:00 PM. The winner will receive a full year’s premium subscription!
Here’s how the contest works:
The egg engine loads eggs into the system and assigns each egg to a random user in the "Who's Online" list of users online. Once an egg is assigned, it will stay in the system until : 1) The user loads a page on TWW or 2) 20 minutes go by. If a user loads the page, the egg will appear somewhere on the page. It will only appear on the first page loaded, so if you miss it, too bad!
Do not keep reloading the page. You will have 20 minutes to find the egg once it is assigned to you. It will be more beneficial to slowly scan each page rather than quickly refreshing. There are multiple eggs in the system at once, and it is even possible to have all eggs in the system assigned to a single user at the same time. Not loading an egg will not prevent other eggs in the system from being assigned to you. The best way to increase your odds of winning is to stay on TWW all day!
Remember, no posting of pictures of eggs on the site to fool other users---anyone who does so before the completion of the contest will be suspended.
Oh, and by the way, April 1 just so happens to be the 10 year anniversary of TWW's existence, so we've got some special tricks up our sleeve for this year's egg hunt
i used to post a lot more often than i do now. i just don't have much time for tww anymore. but i make time for the egg hunt because i get a cheap thrill out of finding the eggs.
tww is so much more upbeat and lively when we do the egg hunt, we should do it (or something similar to it) a few times a year. Maybe make a snowflake engine around christmas, etc. etc.
THE RESULTS ARE IN! Thanks for playing everyone. Our top winner, BubbleBobble, will receive a year of free premie. Our other winners will receive 10 months (get it - tww is 10 years old now) of free premie.
2. Disaster Opportunist - BlackDog was winning until i decided to press the reset button
3. Disaster Victim - BigMan157 went from 47 to 2 eggs after the recalc
4. Most posts during egg hunt - Spontaneous showed his dedication to egg hunting by posting more times than anybody else during the hunt
5. Highest Percentage of displayed eggs - Nerdchick confirmed every single egg that was given to her
6. First egg recipient - Sweden started off the 2010 egg hunt by ignoring his egg
7. Last egg claimed - jataylor got in at the buzzer (well, 2 seconds after the buzzer)
8. Last egg not claimed - Shadowrunner got an egg at 2010-04-02 16:59:59.100 but for some reason chose not to claim it
9. Biggest noob to claim an egg - wdrecieve98 has 0 posts, registered 2003-06-12 and still managed to find a few eggs
10. Newest noob to claim an egg - mteast registered today at 4:15 pm and let the first few eggs go by, but after a few minutes got the idea and ended up with 4 eggs. welcome to tww!]