Any of you going to see this? in Raleigh on March 16th. Looks pretty interesting.
3/7/2012 2:32:54 PM
Yep, super psyched.
3/7/2012 2:36:01 PM
I do wish the tickets weren't $15 a pop though.
3/7/2012 2:39:33 PM
I would if I didn't already have plans that night
3/7/2012 3:04:33 PM
^^ Yeah, but the filmmakers are going to be there, and I personally just want to support the movie. I don't work at Galaxy anymore, but it looks like it's a theater rental, which means the filmmakers have a substantial rental fee they have to cover in addition to flying everybody out.
3/7/2012 3:16:01 PM
^Someone told me the developers were going to be there and I got super excited, then realized only the filmmakers. I'd pay $50 to see the creators of Braid, Fez, and SMB in one room.Interestingly, however, Tommy Refenes is an NC native (dropped out of state) and he'll be at the asheville screening: message_topic.aspx?topic=624585
3/7/2012 4:50:10 PM
^ Tommy was actually at this screening, and Jonathan Blow was scheduled to be at the Asheville. I thought it was fantastic. I knew these guys sacrificed a lot to make these games, but I just never thought about to the level that it was.It did confirm two things I had heard going into the movie. Phil Fish is crazy, and Jonathan Blow is weird as hell.yes and yes.I can't believe Blow was apparently so depressed after the release of Braid because "no one got it." I guess I don't have that artistic mind, so I can't really relate.I also had heard Fez had a good PAX presence, so I had no idea he had so many technical problems with the game.Also, it was a bit weird that Shawn McGrath was blurred out the way he was. I'm guessing he didn't sign off on his image being used in the film, but that was just weird.
3/19/2012 8:15:57 AM
Fez comes out tomorrow!!!
4/12/2012 4:51:51 PM