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 Stories » 1st Annual Pi Beta Phi Blood Drive

1st Annual Pi Beta Phi Blood Drive

submitted by NCSULilWolf on Tuesday, August 15 2006 at 12:15 PM

Pi Beta Phi Fraternity for Women is sponsoring a back to school blood drive on Fraternity Court benefitting the Triangle Area American Red Cross.

The 2-day event is scheduled for Tuesday 8/29 and Wednesday 8/30 and will take place at the Pi Beta Phi house located at 2709-B West Fraternity Court.

Appointments can be made online or you can email to schedule your life-saving appointment.

How to make an appointment online:
2. “Click here to schedule a mobile appointment”
3. Enter your info and sponsor code: 12951
4. Save your account info and continue to blood drive scheduling.
5. Pick your date, time, and confirm!

PS - Donate and get entered to win a $1,000 shopping gift card!!

posted by Maugan on Tuesday, August 15 2006 at 12:20 PM

All American
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hardcore sex

8/15/2006 9:14:53 PM

supple anteater
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"You should not give blood if you ...are a male who has had sexual contact with another male, even once, since 1977"

The Cross doesn't want teh homo blood.

8/17/2006 4:42:20 PM

supple anteater
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unless you're a lesbian, b/c thats just hott

8/18/2006 1:39:20 AM

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heavin forbid they don't accept blood from groups at high risk. i just got a tattoo but those tattoist bastards wont let me donate.

8/18/2006 1:44:31 PM

All American
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I'll be there at 6 NCSULilWolf. It works out great for me since I missed my appointment Monday to donate in North Raleigh.

Thanks for putting this together!

8/18/2006 2:50:50 PM

All American
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^ thank you!

8/18/2006 7:33:32 PM

supple anteater
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^^^All am saying is that an exception could clause could exist for people who can show reasonable evidence that they don't have aids like a negative aids test. I tattoo is a little harder to hide than being gay. Lots of gay people donate anyways. I'm just saying, let people who can show they are low risk have a legal means to donate instead of encouraging deceit in the donation process which isn't something you really want to be a part of the donation process anyways. Someone who is gonna break the rules, will do it and get away with it anyways. The anti-gay rule only keeps away the good people who might be willing to donate if given a legal option.

8/18/2006 9:03:25 PM

All American
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I agree but from an administrative position it's probably just easier for them to restrict donating all together rather than make exceptions

PS - the eligibility has been revised... people who have gotten a tattoo recently are still eligible IF IT WAS DONE IN NC because apparently we regulate where as SC and VA don't...

see more here,1082,0_557_,00.html

8/18/2006 9:20:37 PM

supple anteater
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"I agree but from an administrative position it's probably just easier for them to restrict donating all together rather than make exceptions"

How is it easier? It only stops the people not willing to lie.

Saying everyone can do it, lets in those willing to lie and those not willing to lie.
Saying only the liers can do it, prevents those not willing to lie.

If exceptions are too much paper work, then they should let in the honest ppl too.
If exceptions aren't too much paper work to save a life, then they should deal with the paper work.

Either way I don't see how it's easier for the Cross to have an anti-gay clause.

8/18/2006 10:06:41 PM

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