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 Stories » Office Space Stress Buster, Wednesday in the Brickyard

Office Space Stress Buster, Wednesday in the Brickyard

submitted by SSJ4SonGokou on Monday, April 24 2006 at 12:14 AM

Mu Beta Psi is having its 2nd annual Office Space Stress Buster this Wednesday, April 26, in the Brickyard from 8am-3pm, or until everything is destroyed!!! We've got several electronics that you can come and bash with a sledge hammer. It will be $1 for one swing, $2 for 3 swings, or $5 to bash one item as much as you want! (Swings will be counted as those which make contact, for those of you with bad aim). We have printers, computer towers, and even a monitor or two!

posted by mdbncsu on Monday, April 24 2006 at 12:31 AM

Sup, B
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4/24/2006 12:32:44 AM

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i have a broken monitor i'd like to looks good but arched a few times somewhere inside and after almost settin off the smoke alarm it is in the closet of the livingroom....lemme know if u need it!

4/24/2006 12:42:06 AM

supple anteater
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4/24/2006 8:22:27 AM

All American
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don't forget BGM

4/24/2006 11:08:30 AM

All American
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We did this at the ECE picnic on Friday. Except we only had a couple of printers and it is was for free.

4/24/2006 11:12:33 AM

Tom Joad
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4/24/2006 11:40:18 AM

supple anteater
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dead week is a good time for stress/monitor busting

4/24/2006 1:30:13 PM

All American
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You do realize monitors implode if you break the tube, right? When that happens it can fling glass shards a long distance and let out toxic phosphorus dust, not to mention expose all kinds of high voltage electronics that can hold a lethal charge for a long time, even unplugged. Perhaps you should reconsider including the monitors.

4/24/2006 5:34:29 PM

supple anteater
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Toxic explosions in the brickyard make it seem like an even more appealing spectacle!

4/24/2006 6:21:15 PM

All American
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[Edited on April 24, 2006 at 7:41 PM. Reason : .]

4/24/2006 7:37:00 PM

All American
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I'm assuming they got this checked out and approved fregac ... it's all on the university if anything happens

4/24/2006 8:01:53 PM

All American
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Quote :
"You do realize monitors implode if you break the tube, right? When that happens it can fling glass shards a long distance and let out toxic phosphorus dust, not to mention expose all kinds of high voltage electronics that can hold a lethal charge for a long time, even unplugged. Perhaps you should reconsider including the monitors."

yep. smashing monitors is the dumbest idea ever.

4/24/2006 11:15:36 PM

All American
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haha...yay for TV tubes

4/25/2006 11:28:42 AM

supple anteater
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^^makes me wanna watch (from a distance)

4/25/2006 11:40:07 AM

All American
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well then, we just won't have monitors (forgot about that whole tube thing)

4/25/2006 1:53:37 PM

supple anteater
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perhaps parts could be removed, leaving atleast part of the frame for smashing?

4/25/2006 2:33:22 PM

All American
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So, I got a call yesterday from the SORC office that they were checking with Campus Safety to see what safety precautions we would need to take. At 8am this morning, the time clearly stated on our Solicitation Permit Request, still no word. I called the SORC office and they tell me it is our responsibility to find out and implement such things, but that they would help, and they gave me the number to Eric Wiseman in Public Safety. Still no word from SORC, but after a quick 2-minute call (something the SORC office could have done easily and saved us all this trouble) to Eric Wiseman, I found out there's a long list of things we need to have (safety goggles and gloves, which we already planned on, plus a helmet and either coveralls or make sure people wear long pants and wear shoes that cover the foot completely, as well as we would have to rope off a 30-foot perimeter). On top of that, we'd need to have them check it out 30 minutes before we could start. It's just not feasible for us to get all this done today, at the last minute (if we had heard something yesterday, maybe, but in today's email-dependent world that never happened).

long-story-short, if the SORC office had made a 2 minute phone call yesterday everything would have been good-to-go.

You might say, "It was your responsibility, why didn't you find all this out beforehand?" Well, when we did this last year, they never said we had to go through all this and everything went smoothly. At least we have all the equipment in our possession now so we can try again later.

4/26/2006 8:58:52 AM

All American
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im going to burn the building down now

4/26/2006 10:52:13 AM

supple anteater
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^Nothing we can't survive.

Mu Beta Psi opperates out of Price Music Center, named after Major Percy W. Price founded Mu Beta Psi's alpha chapter here at state over 80 years ago. The last music building, Pullen was also burnt down by a student arsonist in 1965. The director of the music department is itching for a new music building anyways.

4/26/2006 11:07:26 AM


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burn it down. We could use a buildig with some windows.

I hate that no one can do what they are supposed to, and groups (like us) suffer because of it.

4/26/2006 2:48:42 PM

All American
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excuse me, i believe i didnt receive my paycheck either

4/26/2006 4:16:55 PM

All American
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4/26/2006 11:22:21 PM

All American
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8/22/2006 2:06:10 AM

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