NCSU Monthly Ballroom Dance this Saturday
submitted by yli13 on Tuesday, May 3 2005 at 10:11 AM
You are invited. We are having our last ballroom monthly dance this semester, please come and join us. When: 8:00-11:30 PM Saturday, May 7 Where: Talley Student Center ballroom on the second floor at NCSU.No experience needed!! No partner needed! Free food and drink.Student: $5Non-Student: $8Team members: $2Volunteers: Free, volunteers still needed. Sponsored by Dancing with Wolves at NCSU.
posted by mdbncsu on Tuesday, May 3 2005 at 11:28 PM
I get curios, I spot Tiffany and Okan on there, bleh!What's the dress attire?
5/4/2005 12:02:27 AM
guys, here's your chance as a semi-party that isn't a sausage-festyou get bonus points with the ladies just for trying, even if you can't dance
5/4/2005 1:07:05 AM
If none experienced people are paying to dance, and not bringing partners, why not just call it dance lessons?
5/4/2005 3:44:33 AM
I'll be there
5/4/2005 4:42:08 AM
people have an amazing ability to schedule good dances right over TSDS which is consistently the best dance in the triangle. Oh well, catch you guys on the next one...
5/4/2005 1:56:53 PM