submitted by AEPike on Tuesday, March 29 2005 at 4:37 PM
The members of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity will be having the 9th annual Brian Cardini Volleyball tournament. It is a tournament for a fallen brother that died in an accident. The tournament will on April 9th at the Pi Kappa Alpha volleyball court and anyone is invited to play. We already have around eighteen teams and will have a women's and men's bracket. It costs $80 for teams which includes a tee shirt. The money will go towards the Brian Cardini Scholarship fund.
posted by CrazyBenni on Tuesday, March 29 2005 at 4:56 PM
THIS WAS NOT A DRUNK DRIVING ACCIDENT! Brian Cardini was a student in Wood Products doing his summer internship in the Lenoir area and fell asleep at the wheel after working a 12 hour shift. Brian Cardini was a hardworking and responsible young man and to say he died from drinking and driving is a disgrace to his legacy.