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 Stories » Muslim Comedy Show!

Muslim Comedy Show!

submitted by lastsamurai on Tuesday, March 15 2005 at 4:30 PM

Ever heard about Muslim Comedy Show? There is going to be one this Friday March 18th @ 7:30 pm – Nelson 3400. These comedians have been touring all over the nation and we have been lucky to have them come here at NC-STATE. They are extremely funny and their jokes are clean so, join us for a whole lot of fun and laughter. Tickets are being sold for $10 in advance and for $15 at the door. For more information on how to buy tickets, go to:

You can also visit and have preview of what's to come.

posted by JAllen1127 on Tuesday, March 15 2005 at 5:02 PM

All American
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muslim comedy show



3/15/2005 5:04:49 PM

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I saw MSA kids standing on the brickyard selling tickets. The website doesn't have info on how to buy tickets

3/15/2005 5:38:16 PM

All American
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watch all the hilarious ways we can suicide bomb helpless americans!

3/15/2005 5:41:26 PM

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As long as it is funny...what the hell.

3/15/2005 5:44:30 PM

All American
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^^youre kidding, right?

3/15/2005 5:53:35 PM

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Yes, I was being sarcastic to that ignorant and foolish statement by Smath74

3/15/2005 6:18:11 PM

All American
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I'll be there!

3/15/2005 6:48:00 PM

All American
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holy shit

i think the jokes in my head right now are probably mo funny than what these cats will do...

3/15/2005 7:04:59 PM

Drunk yet Orderly
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3/15/2005 7:10:03 PM

Tom Joad
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3/15/2005 7:10:22 PM

All American
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Quote :
"have them come here at NC-STATE"

no State kid wrote that

3/15/2005 8:45:15 PM

All American
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for 10-15$, i'd better receive a basket of tomatoes at the door just in case.

3/16/2005 7:23:43 AM

All American
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This party is NO doubt BYOB.

That's Bring Your Own Bomb....

Quote :
"These comedians have been touring all over the nation and we have been lucky to have them come here at NC-STATE."

I would call it a lot of things, but Lucky is not one of them..

[Edited on March 16, 2005 at 7:28 AM. Reason : .]

3/16/2005 7:27:48 AM

All American
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Hahaha, OMG, this is AWESOME!!! The rest of you guys can stay at home on your computer complaining and drinking...

3/16/2005 8:37:53 AM

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This show isn't mean't for Gary Types (Brickyard Preacher) or O'Reilley Types or Fox News Types. Don't have to come! It is a free country...

3/16/2005 9:36:19 AM

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Preacher Moss is clearly the new prototype for the comedian of these times, and the times to come. As a writer for Damon Wayans, and Saturday Night Live, his comedy stylings are distinguished for being sculptured out of the everyday relevance of life, and the rare glimpses of truth we value as reality. He is intellectual, yet humble. He is charismatic, and dynamic, but yet he does not have to demand great attention, or time because his audiences come to cooperatively listen, laugh, and in "special" moments reflect.

Truly this is a rare combination. He is, far and away, more than a comedian, but prides himself on being just a man. Viewed, respected, and revered as a man of the people, HIS WORDS CARRY LIFE, and just as important, they carry LAUGHTER.

Besides Damon Wayans, Preach has served as a comedy writer for such comedians as Darrell Hammond of Saturday Night Live and George Lopez of The George Lopez Show, having toured with Lopez for several years during his rise to standup stardom. For the past few years, Preach has been touring the national college and high school lecture circuit performing his own unique brand of humor in a lecture and comedy presentation known as "End of Racism," which tackles such timely and sensitive issues as racism, multiculturalism in post 9/11 America, and critical race theory. So insightful is his comedy in fact that it recently led The Seattle Times to ask if Preacher Moss is "A New Dick Gregory?"

Hands down, he is the funniest "poor righteous teacher" in the business today. He teaches without having to teach. He reaches the souls of his audience without ever having to touch. His revealed ideas are UNSELFISH TRUTHS, and the result is a recipe for LAUGHTER, sprinkled with universal understanding. The world is his domain which he simply chooses to share with his audiences. When Moss takes the stage, the people simply understand that indeed they are in a rare situation, where special things happen.

Preacher Moss' background has been rooted in years of service to the community. A teacher of the Emotionally Disturbed for over eight years, Moss' outlook simply personifies that of a person who reaches out because he believes that we are truly one community. A "social services warrior," his style of living, and comedy is reminiscent of the on-going struggle we all endure to simply be human.

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Delightful! Entertaining! Intellectually Stimulating! These are just a few words that have been used to describe the comedic styles of Azeem. Since catching the laugh bug, this native St. Louisan has quickly ascended the comedy ladder, featuring at many of America’s premiere comedy clubs.

Azeem has shared the stage with legendary comics such as Steve Harvey, Adam Ferrara, and John Pinnette.

In a world where bright minds are constantly being replaced for mediocrity, this young man is a breath of fresh air. Azeem takes pride in providing gut-wrenching humor that is suitable for teens and adults alike. Whether he’s dealing with basic issues like marriage and children, or controversial subjects like racism and religion, Azeem’s thought provoking angles will have you laughing and assessing yourself simultaneously. If you’re looking for quality entertainment, this is a guy you can’t afford to miss!

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Azhar Usman is a standup comedian, lecturer, and community activist. Azhar was born and raised in Chicago, though his parents are originally from India. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in communication from the University of Illinois at Chicago and a Juris Doctorate from the University of Minnesota Law School. Azhar has been performing standup comedy since early 2001. He has performed standup in many major cities around the country, as well as in the United Kingdom.

Azhar has been interviewed many times on the radio and television regarding his comedy, and he has been featured in several major publications around the world, including The New York Times, Washington Post,, BBC, The Daily Telegraph of London, Sydney Morning Herald of Australia, Al-Ahram Weekly of Egypt, DAWN Online of Pakistan, India Abroad, and many more. In fact, he was featured on the March/April 2003 cover of The Door Magazine—a religious satire magazine based in Texas—which featured legendary comedian Woody Allen on its cover in December 1974. He's been called the Ayatollah of Comedy, and lately people have been calling him Bin Laughin. Whether the audience is Muslim or not, young or old, serious or laid back, Azhar Usman's standup comedy is sure to please.

3/16/2005 10:03:38 AM

All American
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I wish you guys weren't having it on friday. I've got to work, and I'm always up for a new and different comedy show.

3/16/2005 11:18:21 AM

All American
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if you go, the terrorists win

3/16/2005 2:56:13 PM

All American
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they hope you'll pay to see their act for reasons similar to how some people would vote for a female president.

3/16/2005 3:07:52 PM

All American
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^that made no sense

3/16/2005 4:09:41 PM

All American
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Wish I could make this. It sounds like fun. We need more events like this.

3/16/2005 8:36:48 PM

Dr Awesome
New Recruit
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Yeah! We need more comedy on campus.

3/18/2005 8:40:07 AM

All American
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OMG, if you missed this, you missed 2 of the most funniest hours eva!!!

i'm still laughin from last night haha

3/19/2005 12:05:48 PM

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