submitted by Luigi on Monday, November 15 2004 at 9:05 PM
This Wednesday, Campus Greens of NC State will be sponsoring the Alternative Energy Fair. The Fair will be held in the Brickyard from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Come and learn about many alternative fuels, such as hydrogen power, natural gas, biodiesel, solar, wind, hybrid, and electric power. Representatives from auto and power companies will be on hand to make presentations and answer questions. Come out this Wednesday and check out the new wave of energy that will shape tomorrow.
1) A 2x3 slip of paper will not stand out if somebody is walking by a message board in a hurry. 2) Please post where appropriate ... although there aren't official "posting rules" around campus, do respect the "Such-and-such ONLY posting board" notices that are on certain boards...
this is good for us all. suck it up. and when your grand kids don't have to talk to you through respirators, you can just chalk it up to GWB.
if he's still alive at that point, he's abondoned banning stem cell research to save his ass. bitch to him while he's holding GM broccoli and a venti mocha with HG in it.
How could we have possibly used up half? We have explored less than 10% of the Earth for oil. Or are you saying there is no oil to be had outside North America and the Middle East?