submitted by scud on Sunday, January 21 2001 at 2:14 PM
Today is a great day for The Wolf Web! As of today every user of The Wolf Web has 2 free email accounts provided by and No you don't have to worry about which one is your favorite you get both for free! For those of you wondering what you're going to do with yet another email address, do not worry. All of your wolfweb email will automatically be redirected to the email account you resgistered with! That means no hassle of setting up another account that you aren't going to check.
How it works: username : joeblow emails :, Try to send an email to yourself if you want to test it!
Any spaces in usernames have been replaced with underscores for the email addresses. Feel free to comment on any more suggestions.
posted by CrazyJ on Sunday, January 21 2001 at 6:29 PM