Stories » Rae Carruth Guilty on Three Charges, but not Murder
Rae Carruth Guilty on Three Charges, but not Murder
submitted by FeloniousQ on Friday, January 19 2001 at 3:41 PM
It was just reported on ESPN that former Carolina Panthers wide receiver Rae Carruth has been found guilty of discharging a firearm into an automobile, using an instrument with an intent to harm an unborn child, and conspiracy to commit murder. He was found not guilty of first degree murder. The penalty phase of the trial will begin next week, but Carruth will now avoid the death penalty.
I heard he's "suppose" to get a minimum of 8yrs. Also, "technically" he wasn't found not guilty of murder but 1st degree murder (pre-meditated). Kinda makes you wish you could re-charge him doesn't it? So since it can't be proven he planned the murder w/out reasonable doubt he won't get an actual murder conviction.
it is possible the guy didnt do it?screw these conspiracy theories ya got goin. the truth is if an athlete gets out of a crime, even if they didnt do it. everyone always thinks it has to do with money. the prosecution sucked, and didnt get rid of that resonable doubt. punk that shit.
HE DID DO IT!!!!! He is a sick fuck who attempted to have his unborn son and the babies mother killed because he didn't want to pay child support. He should have gotten the death penalty but instead, because he has money, he will end up serving a few years then be back out on the streets. FUCK OUR LEGAL SYSTEM!!!