yes, if it gives you problems email Gary or come to Fountain's polling site tonight and we can give you a provisional ballot or fix the problem in's hours are 5-8...
although I should mention that when you get this screen: you should click yes, otherwise you'll get this screen:
also, if you have chosen the candidates and go to click to preview/submit votes, and it comes to an error screen, just click back and do it again (it shouldn't lose your entry, and you're still able to vote)
not at all...we have a computer system that tallies for us. although, I do remember last year going through pages of votes to get the toatal number, because some people would give the full name, or just the first and last, or the middle initial, or fucking spelled it wrong, so we went through to make sure they got the proper vote.
actually, the system doesn't completely cover writein votes as well as you might think....there is a considerable amount of time the program will run to tally what it can and then we have to go back and verify every writein and tally them it takes a while