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 Stories » Ralph Nader at NCSU this Thursday, 12:00pm

Ralph Nader at NCSU this Thursday, 12:00pm

submitted by DixieQueen09 on Wednesday, March 24 2004 at 3:46 PM

Ralph Nader, the independent candidate in the 2004 election for president, will be speaking on the campus of NCSU today Thursday March 25th in the Talley Student Center Ballroom, at 12:00pm. The event will last approximately one hour and will be covered by C-SPAN. He will be discussing both the 2000 election upset and the potential in 2004 along with his presidential bid. There will also be a question and answer session afterwards. Bring your thoughts and be ready to speak. Please exercise your freedom of speech.

for more information and event details call Kevin Zeese at (202) 265-4000

posted by mdbncsu on Thursday, March 25 2004 at 12:25 AM

All American
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ralph nader, sit down.

3/25/2004 1:11:48 AM

All American
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This man could be our only rid the world of EVIL!!!!!ONE111!!!

3/25/2004 1:20:29 AM

All American
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3/25/2004 2:25:25 AM

New Recruit
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If you don't like Ralph Nader, this is your chance to come and ask him questions and put him on the spot. If you don't have class at noon tomorrow drop by. Besides, tisn't every day you get to talk to someone who's running for president.

3/25/2004 2:43:48 AM

All American
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I'm goin just to say I did

3/25/2004 3:30:26 AM

All American
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attention car peoples: ralph nader was single handedly responsible for the discontinuation of the chevrolet corvair in the 1969. his campaign for automotive safety completely altered the industry. the corvair was a revolutionary car that featured an air-cooled engine in the rear. it wasn't the first of it's kind, but it worked. the '65 corvair had a tendency to "lift" during high speeds and had alot of oversteer (as did most american cars at the time). many accidents were filed, and ralph nader struck. he wrote a book, "unsafe at any speed", that attacked the automotive industry and the corvair specificly. it didn't matter that the suspension issues were resolved, ralph never let up.

now, i can't help but wonder what direction the industry would've taken without ralph nader's rude interjection. the auto designers at the time were going nuts and conjuring up all kinds of interesting ideas. cars were fun, albeit dangerous at times. then again, ralph nader is responsible for starting the trend of designing cars with safety as a major concern. that's a good thing.

i don't know what the point of this post was really. but hey, atleast you learned something. ralph nader managed to do a good thing and a bad thing all at the same time.

[Edited on March 25, 2004 at 4:02 AM. Reason : ]

3/25/2004 3:54:24 AM

All American
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Kinda a late story post, any organization sponsoring him?

3/25/2004 5:03:58 AM

All American
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^ The campus greens I think

Quote :
"Besides, tisn't every day you get to talk to someone who's running for president.

Well, maybe not you

3/25/2004 6:13:24 AM

All American
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^ heh, true dat.

3/25/2004 10:56:20 AM

All American
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How was it? Did anyone go?

3/25/2004 2:19:53 PM

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basically all he did was list all the things he thinks is wrong with the country yet offered no real insight on what HE WOULD DO.

drove me nuts. so i asked him what he would do. didnt really answer my question.

oh well, wasnt like i would voter for him anyway.

3/25/2004 2:36:23 PM

All American
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damn him for demanding that the automotive industry produce safe automobiles.

and grace, you weren't listening to what he was saying. he did give answers, but the point of this was wanting peopel to realize their civic duty.

3/25/2004 11:50:16 PM

All American
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his civic duty would be to do the best thing for this country, and drop out of the race and give kerry his support.

3/26/2004 1:18:08 AM

All American
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so what you are saying is only the people on the main party tickets have a right to run for the president?

If Kerry can't win against W, I don't want him president.

and in 2000 using the equal protection clause, Gore stole votes from Nader.

3/26/2004 8:07:10 AM

8999 Posts
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Quote :
"damn him for demanding that the automotive industry produce safe automobiles"

i think thats one of the dumber arguments ive seen made for him.

like our capitalist economy wouldnt have forced it anyway. im helping my mom pick out a new car. first thing i did was look at the safety ratings. dont give him more credit than he is due.

you really think i didnt listen to his response to MY QUESTION?????? think about it

[Edited on March 26, 2004 at 11:54 AM. Reason : r]

3/26/2004 11:53:37 AM

All American
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I fully support third party canidates, T.R. ran as a third party, and I damn sure would have voted for him, but nader mentions tons of problems, and rails against buisness, but until humankind no longer cares about money, buisness will always be involved in politics, it is simple capitalism. Anyone who actually thinks nader has sound economic and politcal policies is off their nut and should lose their right to vote in the first place.

3/27/2004 12:53:05 AM

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