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 Stories » Bowl Frozen Turkeys in the Brickyard: Thursday & Friday

Bowl Frozen Turkeys in the Brickyard: Thursday & Friday

submitted by SSJ4SonGokou on Wednesday, November 12 2003 at 1:14 PM

That's right, you now have the chance to take a frozen turkey and bowl it down a lane to score great prizes! Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity is hosting Turkey Bowl in the Brickyard to support Haven House. It will be this Thursday and Friday, November 13 and 14, 2003. Times are 10am-3pm. The cost is only $2.00

Win items including a 2 night stay for 2 at the Brownstone Hotel, dinner at local restaurants, and free blockbuster movie rentals. All proceeds that are raised in this event will go to Haven House Services.

Haven House Services is a nonprofit agency serving the needs of troubled young people and their families since 1973. Haven House provides shelter, counseling, and independent living skills to youth in need.

Don't want to bowl? You can still help Haven House by donating any amount of money you choose!

Call #859-5514 or e-mail for more information.

posted by mdbncsu on Thursday, November 13 2003 at 1:26 AM

All American
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Its a good cause, a good group, and should be a lot of fun. I know they put a lot of time into planning it. Should be worth it! Defininitly check it out.

11/13/2003 10:05:41 AM

All American
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what the fuck??

11/13/2003 11:06:46 AM

All American
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why don't you give those turkeys to individuals and families in need of food, instead of wasting them like that?

11/13/2003 5:02:06 PM

All American
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actually, the money we make is a lot more than what we paid for the two turkeys. otherwise, we'd do just that.

11/13/2003 11:33:00 PM

All American
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It sucks that y'all have been hampered by the weather. I may just give you 2 bucks today just to support the cause.

11/14/2003 9:22:07 AM

All American
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are you gonna eat those?

11/14/2003 8:40:51 PM

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sounds like this could turn into a pretty cool tradition

11/16/2003 3:28:08 PM

All American
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it's a nice idea, but as far as means and ends are concerned, it's an ethically questionable practice. it doesn't seem to be very well thought out, and it further contributes to our image as a redneck school on the bright side, i suppose, at least your group is not advocating a turkey shoot out in the brickyard.

11/16/2003 3:43:56 PM

All American
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What is this about means and ends? We're not talking rocket science here...

Two turkeys: $20
Donation resulting from their use/misuse: > $200

What in the hell is so ethically questionable about this???

11/16/2003 8:24:09 PM

All American
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Thanks to everyone who came out! We raised $227!!!!!!1

11/17/2003 12:29:19 AM

All American
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Yeah we did, Woody.

11/17/2003 9:11:00 AM

All American
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money justifies ethics? oh ok

11/17/2003 9:46:04 AM

All American
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When that money is donated, absolutely.

We're talking about means and ends here. If I spend $20 on an event instead of donating that money, and it creates an 11 fold return...which I then donate, then it was absolutely worth it AND ethical to do so. They can buy 22 turkeys at the cost of 2, and what's more, they can buy something else if they don't want a freakin turkey.

Ask yourself if you'd really want a couple turkeys that had been sliding around on a dirty tarp in the brickyard under otherwise less than sanity conditions, or if you'd rather have 11 fresh turkeys straight from the store.

You might as well have argued to the founders of the United Way that instead of investing all of that time and money into their cause, they should've just donated it to the people who needed it.

11/17/2003 11:02:22 AM

All American
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you've absolutely missed the point

11/17/2003 10:39:00 PM

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i keep reading this as "bwn frozen turkeys"

11/18/2003 10:37:06 PM

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whats up with this?

you know, one day you just might not have food. This is a open disgrace not only to the turkeys, but also and lack of respect for food which is a great blessing in itself. You will only realize the value of something when one does not have it. Why not hook some somalians up, or feed the homeless on a more local scale (downtown raleigh)?

Even if the intentions were for a good cause, Im sorry to say, but this is sad.

11/18/2003 11:46:29 PM

All American
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a more local scale? apparently you didn't read the haven house website:
Quote :
"Providing Comprehensive Services
to the Youth and Families of Wake County since 1973."

11/19/2003 1:23:14 AM

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