Stories » Minority Career Fair, all students welcome!
Minority Career Fair, all students welcome!
submitted by juanbond311 on Monday, September 15 2003 at 5:07 PM
When: September 29 @ 3pm-7pm, September 30 @ 9am-3pm Where: Reynold’s Coliseum
The Minority Career Fair is one of NC State’s oldest traditions. It presents students with the opportunity to network and gain knowledge beyond the college experience. Originally created as an opportunity for minority students, the Career Fair has since expanded to encompass all students in the hopes of helping them develop their careers and futures.
The Career Fair has proven such a successful endeavor that it has been extended into a two day affair. The two day event also serves to accommodate students who may have scheduling conflicts that prevent them from attending on one day.
Aside from attending the Minority Career Fair, students have the opportunity to serve as MCF student ambassadors. As an ambassador, students have one on one contact with company representatives as well as workshops to perfect resumes and interviewing skills.
ALL Majors and Students are welcome to attend the largest career fair on campus!!!!
i designed that website in like an hour since the webmaster hadn't done it after a summer of requests. i never expected it to last one year, much less two going on three.
why not just have a career fair? why must it be called a minority career fair? if everyone is REALLY welcome to attend, then how is it a minority career fair at all?
I very seriously doubt this is a waste of time. I got my first co-op through this event.
I could be way off on this but it was my impresion that this was initially presented by the BSB on campus which is under the UAB and it was sponsored by other minority groups on campus. I wouldn't hate on a career fair... it's like hating on the College of Management Career Fair because it is hosted by the COM, when anybody can get a job at it.
here is a list of other career fairs for more specific groups, but the minority career fair is the biggest.