submitted by roguewolf on Monday, November 4 2002 at 2:20 PM
Thats right its that time again! Today November 5th is Election Day! As you can see this election is just as important as any other election, espicially the Election of 2000, which is all the more reason for you to take the time today and VOTE.
Your voice counts, each election in Raleigh is a dead heat, and Bowles-Dole is a toss up. EVERY VOTE COUNTS IN EVERY ELECTION, AND NOW MORE THAN EVER YOU NEED TO STAND UP AND BE COUNTED.
Get out there today for 2 minutes and exercise a right given to and fought for us since the creation of the United States. I know you are saying 'But I dont know who or where to vote!?'. Go here to -- a nonpartisan coalition whose job it is to get us and others out to vote. Or Democracy Net !!
Thanks everyone, get out and VOTE!! I'll see YOU at the polls!!
posted by C-Mack on Monday, November 4 2002 at 6:49 PM