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 Stories » PROTEST CUTS: Library- Thursday @ 11pm

PROTEST CUTS: Library- Thursday @ 11pm

submitted by Andrew Payne on Wednesday, September 11 2002 at 11:04 PM

PROTEST CUTS: Thursday September 12th @ 11pm DH Hill Library

The General Assembly and the University have made cuts to vital areas of the University, especially those important to students.

CUTS include: Cuts in need based financial aid
Cuts in campus security and student patrol
Cuts in Library hours
Cuts in course sections for graduation
Cuts in Library staff, journal selections and book purchases

While services and programs are cut- TUITION SKYROCKETS. Students are paying more for less!

Come out to the Library Thursday @ 11pm to what you can do about it- Be apart of NC State's "Read In"!

posted by CrazyBenni on Wednesday, September 11 2002 at 11:25 PM

All American
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update from andrew
A group of students leaders from across the university are organizing this event in effort to put pressure on the Chancellor and the NC General Assembly.

All the major news outlets will be there and we are expecting around five hundred students.

The library closes at 12 midnight. We figure that the library staff will call public safety. But with only 6 officers they cant arrest anyone. The student leaders are demanding that the Chancellor herself come out to speak with students. She has three options: 1. "I will not open the library" 2. I stand with the students and the General Assembly should do more" 3. The library will stay open 24 hours a day." Either option the students win becasue of the presence of the media and the statement of the Chancellor.

9/11/2002 11:28:54 PM

All American
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sorta short notice...

9/11/2002 11:43:48 PM

All American
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plus that the next two weeks are the first round of tests, kinda hard to protest when you actually must study

9/11/2002 11:44:40 PM

All American
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I'll try to be there but I got a bunch of homework to do for Friday. Plus there is another option $$Fox has at her disposal: call the army in and set up martial law. She may resort to that first.

9/11/2002 11:55:38 PM

All American
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I have a question. Why should people go out and take the chance of getting arrested. You can't really go to the library at 3:00a.m. if you are in jail getting ass-raped by your "roommate" can you?

Student Government, more exact, the executive staff should be trying to resolve problems from the inside out, not the other way around. So go out, get arrested. Give the members of the General Assembly and the Chancellor another reason to laugh at the students...they do anyway.


9/12/2002 12:07:44 AM

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yeah they'll never see it coming now!

9/12/2002 1:11:14 AM

All American
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on what grounds can they arrest anyone?

9/12/2002 1:31:18 AM

spaced guy
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yeah, short notice....i may show up but i have homework to do that requires equipment and facilities not found in the library.

9/12/2002 1:53:50 AM

All American
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Did they cut the library before they cut the gym? Cause that would be great. I don't really know, maybe they're shutting down the gym too.

9/12/2002 2:21:51 AM

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Here is a simple chance for NCSU students to practice civil disobedience. Take a part in something positive and worthwhile to all students and faculty!

9/12/2002 2:36:37 AM

All American
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Where's the library again?

9/12/2002 3:04:39 AM

All American
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I would really like to do this, but only if there is the 500 person turnout, I don't wanna get there and end up going to jail cuz only 20 people showed up. SO IF AT ALL POSSIBLE, PLEASE COME AND HELP PROTEST THIS BULLSHIT!

9/12/2002 3:32:39 AM

All American
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I'm going to be there, the afterhours at the library got me through school. A nice quiet place to study. And if any of you don't show its because you're willing to accept a decrease in services and an increase in tuition.

9/12/2002 3:37:01 AM

All American
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No, I'm not going because I'll be expelled from school if I get arrested up there. It's not worth it to me. Good luck.

9/12/2002 6:29:12 AM

All American
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To answer the question about the gym, no I do not know if there have been cuts there. Have not heard of any, but that doesn't mean there haven't been some. Probably funded from a different source (namely paychecks of users) and not subject to cutting services as long as staff keep using the gym.

Advising, on the other hand, has also been cut. Management lost one adviser who handled 1000 students a year- specifically due to budget cuts. This college, along with dept of Communication and several depts. in Engineering have the highest student to adviser ratios anywhere on campus and far exceeding recommended national norms. Professional advisers will be cut before teachers, understandably, but then resulting in leaving advising exclusively to the faculty on top of higher teaching loads and larger classes. You can tell me how you think that will play out in the students "best interest".

9/12/2002 8:48:37 AM

All American
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Quote :
"on what grounds can they arrest anyone?"

I would assume tresspassing, as you would be in a building that is closed (after midnight). It couldn't be breaking and entering or anything because we can all enter legitimately before midnight.
Quote :
"To answer the question about the gym, no I do not know if there have been cuts there. Have not heard of any, but that doesn't mean there haven't been some. Probably funded from a different source (namely paychecks of users) and not subject to cutting services as long as staff keep using the gym."

I believe the gym is funded primarily by student fees. The library, as a state facility open to the public, is funded more by state appropriations.

9/12/2002 9:15:24 AM

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Okay I don't think you people understand how big these cuts are. For example, NCSU Libraries is cutting about 650 serials titles! ( That's a huge number! And the great thing is that the University doesn't really need to raise tuition prices to keep that cut from happening. Professional librarians make upwards of $42000 with full benefits and an additional stipend. ( There are three such librarians that I'm aware of. Do the math, and then fire one of those professional librarians. They've already got student workers to take care of the place, so I think they'd be okay without one person.

If emptying just one job would keep over 500 titles in the library, then I am all for it. In this case, it would probably save all 650, so we get a little bonus in that respect.


[Edited on September 12, 2002 at 9:23 AM. Reason : Adding links]

9/12/2002 9:22:29 AM

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For all of you who said that you couldnt come out and protest b/c they had school work (except for [user]spacedguy[/user]): hello, it is a LIBRARY...that's what they are for!!!

THrough my past 3 years here at NC State, I have probably logged over 10 times as many hours there after midnight than before. I will be there to protest not having a safe comfortable study environment filled with other students as stressed out and sleep deprived as myself to console with.


9/12/2002 9:45:56 AM

All American
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WTF?!!! Let NC have a lottery already

9/12/2002 9:55:46 AM

All American
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it's called civil disobedience, read all about it:

9/12/2002 10:30:28 AM

All American
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you can count on me and a bunch of my bros being there......whenever theres shady shit going down, you can count on the Tekes

9/12/2002 10:38:33 AM

Starting Lineup
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I'll be there....will try to get a few people together as well.

9/12/2002 10:45:02 AM

All American
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this is a drunken rambling, but here it tit

we pay so little in tuition compared to other states, quit your bitchin, you cheap fucking jews, education isnt supposed to be cheap, in the long run you will be investing very wisely, who care if you pay more, its just money, so pay up or get the fuck out, who cares if you cant go to the library at 4 am and be walked home by a nerd with a flashlight(student patrol)

9/12/2002 10:55:27 AM

All American
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maybe you shouldnt drink so much at 10am if you can't control your lip

Most of us need the libraby, some of us need it at all hours of the day. And who ever said that education is supposed to be expensive? That is the most retarded thing i have ever heard!

[Edited on September 12, 2002 at 11:18 AM. Reason : .]

9/12/2002 11:04:57 AM

All American
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people, if your worried bout getting arrested than leave when it gets heavy. there's no shame in listening to the law when they get crazy.

9/12/2002 5:47:20 PM

All American
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i will definatly be there

9/12/2002 7:21:51 PM

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Hey, i work in the library at the reserves desk. Lots of people that work here also think that all the cuts around the board suck, but there's nothing they can do about it. Dont take it out on the people that work here(i'm at work now), they're just doing their job. Take it out on Fox and Campus Police(they are gonna be here).

It's really funny, i get off at eleven and i wanna hangout and see shit git broken, but i have places to be.

Give em hell...but be nice to Gabe!


9/12/2002 8:18:43 PM

All American
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anyone show up lol 11:31

9/12/2002 11:28:27 PM

All American
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i'd be there but i JUST got home from doing homework with a friend...good luck guys

9/13/2002 12:28:44 AM

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The turnout by students was awesome! We all appreciate the energy that was displayed and it was even better that everyone involved was responsible for themselves. [b]Over $200 was collected for the Housekeepers (at the end of Housekeeping Appreciation Week) which is simply a great message sent by students. We are not just being greedy...we are sending a message of solidarity for all of those being hurt by cuts.
We also registered people to vote and informed students of the real situation we are currently facing.

Thanks and more to come!

9/14/2002 10:48:11 PM

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Mr. arcgreek,

From 2002 USAToday article on public school tuition raises:

Quote :
Average Cost, In-State Students, 2002-2003: $10,280.
Projected cost (at UNC) for 2002-2003: $10,356.

Not only is UNC above average, it's higher than schools such as UVA, Virginia Tech, Tennessee, Clemson, Georgia, Florida...
I can only assume our costs compare similarly to UNC's.

9/15/2002 3:43:56 AM

All American
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did ya look out of the south??

9/15/2002 5:29:10 PM

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