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 Stories » Let Freedom Ring

Let Freedom Ring

submitted by panthersny on Tuesday, September 10 2002 at 10:11 AM

Today marks the one year anniversary of 9-11, and we should all take a moment to sit back and reflect on the events that took place one year ago. Throughout the past year our country has endured quite an ordeal, uniting the nation. As we prepare to honor the victims of the horrible terrorist attacks, may we not forget that the war on terrorism is not over yet. For some it may be hard to see the videos and photographs again, but for others it may be necessary for their healing process. CNN has many stories to read, along with numerous pictures and videos. Please remember to observe a moment of silence in reverance to this horrific day in our nation's history.


posted by Joe on Wednesday, September 11 2002 at 12:05 AM

All American
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I agree with "never forget," but then again, we have to remember that life goes on, and there are many other threats related to that day that are still around.. and I'm not talking about the terrorists

9/11/2002 12:12:37 AM

All American
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Let Freedom Ring

Long live the United States.

May we prevail and save our future.

Never Forget. Sept 11th, 2001. I love you New York.

Thank you panthersny, thank you.

9/11/2002 12:13:07 AM

All American
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Long live the USA

thank you roguewolf

may all your family and mine in nyc be safe

[Edited on September 11, 2002 at 12:37 AM. Reason : typo]

9/11/2002 12:18:48 AM

All American
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thank you man, i hope your family will be ok as well. may they stay safe and sound.

9/11/2002 12:19:57 AM

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Theo Huxtable.

9/11/2002 12:35:46 AM

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God Bless the USA!!

R.I.P. all of those that lost their lives, a year ago on that fateful day.

Prayers and best wishes to all of those that protect our liberty, freedom, and safety at home and abroad.

9/11/2002 2:40:00 AM

All American
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I urge everyone to KEEP YOUR TV TURNED OFF TODAY!!! Remember those who died, and most importantly, THINK. Think about what has happened to America in the past year, take a long hard look at what's going on. Don't be a sheep and let the media spoonfeed you your beliefs.

9/11/2002 6:06:26 AM

All American
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you don't want us to sound like robbie borka, huh FUCK!

9/11/2002 6:41:34 AM

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[Edited on September 11, 2002 at 8:55 AM. Reason : No comment necessary]

9/11/2002 8:47:42 AM

All American
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I'm proud to be an American and to serve our country

9/11/2002 9:16:38 AM

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Quote :
"I urge everyone to KEEP YOUR TV TURNED OFF TODAY!!! Remember those who died, and most importantly, THINK. Think about what has happened to America in the past year, take a long hard look at what's going on. Don't be a sheep and let the media spoonfeed you your beliefs.


All I can say is "Bravo!" *applauds* Great job, FUCK!

9/11/2002 9:45:52 AM

All American
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i agree, FUCK!

just like i said here

keep your hearts open and your tvs off

9/11/2002 9:47:46 AM

All American
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As if the media is the root of all evil.

Jesus, you people act like we can't think for ourselves.... just MAYBE we'd like to see what people around the world are doing today, heaven forbid if I turn on my television to find out.

9/11/2002 9:50:46 AM

All American
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no, taddles I just think that we should do something more productive and helpful than watch tv all day. Like i said in the thread - go do some volunteer work, tell your families you love them, etc

actually help the problem

9/11/2002 10:00:14 AM

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i am going to tell my family i love them. I am going to go to work. I am going to be an american citizen. but i am also going to watch some television b/c to me seeing some of those images helps in my healing and also helps me to remember more vividly those tragic events

9/11/2002 10:36:37 AM

All American
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I can't volunteer. Its against my religion. My time is money, and money is what makes the world go around. If I'm not doing something that gives me rest, relaxation, or entertainment, then I'd better be getting paid for it. I guess this is why I hate school so fucking much.

I'm doing my part by going to work and carrying on like I would any other day.

9/11/2002 10:58:49 AM

All American
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could we please put our petty differences aside for one day!!???


thank you.

9/11/2002 2:28:26 PM

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9/11/2002 5:58:11 PM

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