submitted by CrazyJ on Tuesday, March 5 2002 at 1:21 AM
STOP IT! Since we do not regularily scan mail, we do not keep track on what you monkeys are doing. Apparently a bunch of mass mail is floating around. Anyone reported and confirmed of sending mass mail to unwilling recipients will be immediately suspended. Anyone reported and confirmed replying to mass mail to unwilling recipients using the "reply all" feature will be immediately suspended.
I could be wrong, but it looked like the few offenders we have had since this was posted were suspended for a day or two...whats the point? On any other message board, they would have been banned...hell, half of the regular users would have been banned for different things Ive seen on here (maybe even me), such as for personal attacks (which take place on a daily basis on this site). I realize that the moderators are just college students that dont have time to read every single thread, but still, I think the users are allowed to run rampant just a bit much. But thats just my opinion, and I realize that it doesnt matter.