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 Stories » Tangerine Bowl-Shuttle Available From Ramada

Tangerine Bowl-Shuttle Available From Ramada

submitted by Jim Nickles on Monday, December 10 2001 at 11:25 AM

You asked for it, you've got it (if you want it). Ok, as of 11:00 a.m. on Dec. 10, you guys have booked 54 rooms with 144 people for the Tangerine Bowl. I got a price from Mears Transportation for a full size bus, with bathroom, for 9 hours which holds 47 people for $693 ($15.00 each). A $250 damage deposit is required if drinking on the bus. I will reserve 2 for now just in case but will need to cancel on the 18th if no response. I recommend that someone take charge, get a head count, and give me a call at 1-800-327-9170 ext. 662.

In addition, the Ramada will be offering a 3 hour open bar (beer and well drinks) from 6-9 p.m. on Wed Dec. 19 with appetizers for $20 a head.

posted by CrazyJ on Monday, December 10 2001 at 1:26 PM

All American
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PACK fans... on the "drunk bus"... sounds like a GREAT way for all of us to get from the RAMADA to the game SAFELY.... everyone has a DD now, ha... be sure to show some inniative....

12/10/2001 1:33:13 PM

All American
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yeah lets do this...

ill start the head count...

me + 8

12/10/2001 1:35:51 PM

All American
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me + 3

anyone else want to head down with?

12/10/2001 1:36:21 PM

All American
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if you know someone staying at the ramada, ask them if they are interested and please put their numbers on here as well

12/10/2001 2:58:18 PM

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Sounds good-9 hours should give us plenty of time to tailgate say 3 hours before the game!!

Also, Ill try to get a head count, but how bout the open bar on the 20th before the game! That would rule!

12/10/2001 3:00:57 PM

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do you gotta be of age for the open bar? if so, somebody hook me up with a fakey....

12/10/2001 3:23:19 PM

Canadian Bacon
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Even though I am not staying at the Ramada I am goign to the game with Ev and all them...I would be willing to do the bus thingy...

12/10/2001 3:56:42 PM

All American
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i'd be for it... safe way to and from the game is always nice...

12/10/2001 4:04:58 PM

All American
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Count me in + 1. That will be awsome!

12/10/2001 4:57:17 PM

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me+1 maybe 3 total.

This will be awesome. How much is the hotel for the night?

12/10/2001 9:44:02 PM

All American
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Damn, looks like I'm taking the drunk bus.

We need to collect a list of names and make a manifest for this guy.

I guess I'll elect myself as master of the manifest. Any objections? Okay, none. Send me an email with NAMES (not numbers) of people on this bus.

[Edited on December 10, 2001 at 10:02 PM. Reason : .]

12/10/2001 10:01:14 PM

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Mav, I got most of these names, Lets see if we can get the interest first!

12/10/2001 10:07:26 PM

All American
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Callip Hall
Alex Curry
Danny Hall
some lady... dunno

12/11/2001 3:13:23 AM

All American
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Travis Edmonds
Mike Whiting (mean gene)
Jeff Lee (slappy)
Jake Fussell
Bronce McClain
Doug Warf
Will Oldham
D. Baldwin
Billy Izell
Demetrius Barrett

12/11/2001 3:32:06 AM

Jim Nickles
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[Edited on December 11, 2001 at 10:17 AM. Reason : duplicate/wrong phone #]

12/11/2001 10:03:14 AM

Jim Nickles
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Lets all give a hand to Maverick for taking control of the "drunk bus" list. It looks like we have at least 22 (half a bus) as of this mornings postings. Hopefully you all have e-mailed maverick with additional riders. If you know someone who is staying at another hotel (I don't know why they would) they can still park here and ride over with the group as well as come over for the open bar on the 19th.

Need more info? Give me (Jim) a call at 1-800-327-9170 ext .662

P.S. Golf packages available if you would like to extend your stay.

12/11/2001 10:04:23 AM

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How bout Open bar on the 20th? Before the game! That would better!

What times will the bus go to the stadium and depart from the stadium?

Evan Roberts
Jake Morgan
Jennifer Allen
Vanessa Rosenfeld
Nick Martinelli
Carrie Choquette
Tad Paccerak
Kate Quinn (2 others)
Becky Shapcott
Nathan Holder
Tonia Jackson
Blake Upton
Brent Upton
Ryan Smith
Ryan Hill
Thomas Duncan

12/11/2001 10:28:06 AM

Jim Nickles
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Funny you asked that question. We were thinking the same thing, we were trying to figure out when a majority of you would be arriving. It looks like a 10 to 11 hour drive. I assume you will be late arrivals on the 19th. A open bar wouldn't work a 6p.m. so, how does an open bar from 2 to 5 with the bus leaving at 5:15 or so? 1 to 4 open bar and bus leave at 4:15 so you have some tailgate time before the game at 7:30. Let me know, I'm here for you.


12/11/2001 10:48:37 AM

All American
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Jim, you are the man... You have an entire student population loving you on this site.. do you know how irregular that is!

12/11/2001 10:50:55 AM

Jim Nickles
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Thanks for the compliment. Just talked to the Chef. Let me bounce this off you. For $2 more ($22) per person, we could do a tailgate party for you instead of the open bar. This would include draft beer, hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, baked beans, etc... The bus could leave at 3:30 or 4, get there by 4:30 or 5 and then TAILGATE until the game. What do you think of that?

12/11/2001 11:01:17 AM

New Recruit
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That sounds like an awesome deal. I wish I could join, but I have to wait to leave after my graduation. I will not get down there probably until 4 or 5 in the morning on the 20th. See you all down there though. Has anyone heard anything about having to park near I-4 and taking a bus to the stadium? We need to possibly designate a spot for a big @$$ tailgate party.

12/11/2001 11:11:09 AM

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Quote :
"Thanks for the compliment. Just talked to the Chef. Let me bounce this off you. For $2 more ($22) per person, we could do a tailgate party for you instead of the open bar. This would include draft beer, hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, baked beans, etc... The bus could leave at 3:30 or 4, get there by 4:30 or 5 and then TAILGATE until the game. What do you think of that?"

Jim that sounds great! As long as there is plenty of beer we will all be happy!

Arrive at the stadium at 4:30 gives us a few hours to throw down!

Will it be allowed at the stadium? Tailgating and alchol?

[Edited on December 11, 2001 at 11:45 AM. Reason : ?]

12/11/2001 11:37:36 AM

Jim Nickles
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I have the Tangerine bowl visitor guide in my hand and quote "Tailgating is permitted in City of Orlando lots, care should be given to avoid traffic arriving to park in adjacent spaces." I also called the Stadium who also confirmed tailgate parties are allowed. I am still trying to find out where the buses will be able to park. Lets keep working on the head count for the buses just in case we need a third or forth!!!

12/11/2001 12:08:14 PM

Canadian Bacon
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FOr that deal I am sure you will get a 3rd or a 4th bus. NCSU loves you Jim Your hotel is going to be a big sea of crazy red fans!

12/11/2001 12:13:46 PM

Legal Eagle
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So is it $15 for the bus, and $22 for the tailgate=$37 total? And we could choose one or other if we wanted? Just wanted to clarify!

Thanks Jim for working with us and being supportive of the Pack! We should have another open bar after we win the game!

12/11/2001 12:33:54 PM

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good call Jallen!

total price for bus ride and beer/grub@ tailgate? any chicken wings on the menu?

12/11/2001 12:50:12 PM

Jim Nickles
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Ok, to clarify, for a full bus (47 people) the cost of the bus is $15. The beer, soda, hamburgers, dogs..... is $22. Total for both is $37.00. If you just need a ride, you can do that, or just want to meet the bus for the party, you can also do that. I just have to figure out how to collect the $ for both prior to the 20th to secure the bus and figure out how much beer to bring. Any suggestions?

12/11/2001 12:57:21 PM

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Well if we could get some people to say put a deposit down of $20 and give it to me, I can send you a check or put it all on a card, then give ya the cash down there or something like that.
Or i can just have them pay me the full amount....

Beer? Depending on how much, but if we are there 3 hours before the game, we can put a hurtin on some brew! Can we have some wings?

[Edited on December 11, 2001 at 1:07 PM. Reason : f]

12/11/2001 1:04:31 PM

All American
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Jim.. these people killed 9 of my kegs in about 4 hours... hope your prepared for the PACK.... we are a fun crowd, ha

so, it takes like an hour to get there via bus??

12/11/2001 1:54:59 PM

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ill make the ev? hehehe


12/11/2001 1:56:58 PM

Jim Nickles
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Normally, it should only take a half hour to get to the citrus bowl, but with traffic, it could take about an hour. We could leave at 3:30 just to make sure. This will still give you three hours of Tailgate time before the game. We will work it all out - still have a week to go. Only need a days notice for extra kegs. The faster we have a confirmed list of people riding and drinking, the better.
Keep up the good work!

12/11/2001 2:52:44 PM

New Recruit
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Jim Nickles wants to be like me

12/11/2001 3:07:08 PM

Starting Lineup
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EVroccck & Jim I am glad Jim finally got on the board. I was the one who originally called Jim for you guys. I hope you guys have a blast in Orlando, jim- glad I could drive you some business!

12/11/2001 5:32:26 PM

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