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 Stories » Winning Vouchers: Maryland

Winning Vouchers: Maryland

submitted by CrazyBenni on Monday, November 12 2001 at 6:38 PM

The winning numbers for the State vs. Maryland game are 1-1968 and 5767-8200. Tickets can be picked up Tuesday, November 13, between 10-6pm at Reynolds Colliseum.

posted by Joe on Monday, November 12 2001 at 6:40 PM

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Does anybody have any extra vouchers?
If so, I will pay you for them.

11/12/2001 6:49:29 PM

spaced guy
All American
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sweet i got a ticket

11/12/2001 6:52:49 PM

Canadian Bacon
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Damn it....I didn't win. I need two tix if anyone has extras they are willign to part with.

11/12/2001 6:57:31 PM

All American
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Mother fuck this school! EVERY student should get in the homecoming game!

11/12/2001 7:14:42 PM

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What I want to know is, how the fuck do you people get the numbers before gopack? If you incompetent fucks have the numbers first, something is amiss.

11/12/2001 7:50:46 PM

All American
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Id like to know this myself. Are these unofficial? Your guess?

11/12/2001 7:56:51 PM

All American
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personally I think it is bullshit----8200 vouchers given out---freakin fairweather fans and I end up without a ticket---I have been to every game and don't leave till it's over and I have to watch it on tv at home

ev works in the AD

[Edited on November 12, 2001 at 7:58 PM. Reason : .]

11/12/2001 7:57:40 PM

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--submitted by CrazyBenni.

11/12/2001 7:59:47 PM

New Recruit
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dont give up so easily man. I've made it to all but one home game the past two years(stupid thanksgiving) and i got shafted out of tickets for the last two games. For the clemson game, we stood outside reynolds and begged for extra vouchers people had. For the virginia game we did something a little more devious that i wont go into here. so there are plenty of ways to go without actually winning.

11/12/2001 8:03:07 PM

Absolut V
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excuse me j0e... but it's on and that's how I came up with the numbers... get your facts straight before you criticize...

11/12/2001 8:27:51 PM

New Recruit
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If ANYONE has any extra tickets that they can give out... PLEASE oh god please contact! or! Students or Guests

11/12/2001 10:10:57 PM

All American
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Hey guys, I'm also looking for two tickets. Its my girlfriend's last home game before she graduates in December... it would really mean alot. Thanks.

11/12/2001 10:22:39 PM

All American
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I got a ticket!

11/12/2001 10:23:33 PM

New Recruit
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State has the worst distribution for athletic tickets of any major Div. 1 school. Most all of the SEC schools give out tickets based on seniority. Being a senior I am REALLY pissed that I was not able to get tickets to the two biggest games of the year, UNoClass and Maryland. Tickets should be distributed at the beginning of the season. At Auburn the students get tickets kind of the way that we register, with the people with the most credit hours going first and so on...
Here is a link if you guys are interested
Sorry I had to vent, but this is pissing me off with the way that we lolli-gag with keeping up with the high-exposure schools. And I am graduating in December, which makes me even madder.

[Edited on November 12, 2001 at 10:56 PM. Reason : Pissed]

11/12/2001 10:54:54 PM

294 Posts
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Does anybody have any extra vouchers?
I got a relative coming from out of town this weekend, and he wants to go
if any body has 2 guests and 2 student, or anything less than that, please let me know
i will pay you for them if you do

11/12/2001 11:46:12 PM

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And what facts were those, benny? Perhaps your interpretation of my post was off. What I meant was, "How do you incompetent fucks get the numbers before gopack?" The only fact in there is that you sir, are an incomptetent fuck. Thanks for answering my post though.

[Edited on November 13, 2001 at 12:08 AM. Reason : <>]

11/13/2001 12:06:24 AM

All American
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Wow you show your extreme competence as well by saying sir, as in CrazyBenni is a guy, when in actuality she is a woman. Genius.

11/13/2001 12:09:43 AM

Absolut V
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thanx nighthawk... and j0e - your post doesn't make sense... you saying that I'M incompetent when I KNOW where to get the numbers from? oooooookay

11/13/2001 12:30:29 AM

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Ahhh, thank you Nighthawk, I stand corrected. However, for me to know that it is correctly Miss. CrazyBenny would imply that I had met the afforementioned fucktard. When, in actuality, I quite happily prefer to maintain a large distance between myself and the material clique that you people call the wolf web.

11/13/2001 12:35:42 AM

All American
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No if you weren't retarded you could just look in her info. I have only met a couple of guys off TWW like drew, jackleg, dozer and thought they were cool as hell. But sadly I haven't knowingly met any TWW girls, and I can't blame your ignorance on a being a newbie as you have a month on me.

11/13/2001 12:56:26 AM

New Recruit
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Would anyone be willing to buy me some guest tickets? I will pay for them prior to purchase just let me know where.

11/13/2001 9:47:54 AM

All American
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Hell I got a ticket and willing to part with it Unless my friend takes it first

11/13/2001 1:05:27 PM

New Recruit
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I didnt get one

11/14/2001 12:14:01 AM

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