Stories » Statewide Petition against BUDGET CUTS!!!
Statewide Petition against BUDGET CUTS!!!
submitted by markgoal on Thursday, May 10 2001 at 1:47 PM
With the assistance of my fellow members of the NC State Student Senate, Senator Erich Fabricius and I have set up an online statewide petition against budget cuts that hit higher education. I hope that with the help of my fellow Wolfwebbers, we can get a good starting base of signatures. I urge you all to let everyone know about it. Spread the message through your friends and family, because together we can make a difference. Please sign the petition here, and tell everyone you know!
posted by scud on Thursday, May 10 2001 at 6:47 PM
Matt: I think you're kinda forgetting that anybody to bother clicking "Read ? Comments" Is probably going to be the person not too lazy to sign the E-Petition. *sigh* we've done all we can...lets just let it run it's course.
Well Nick, I simply went to "edit profile" and typed in it automatically becomes a link when you click finish- now all my friends can see this link when they are checking their away messages- Isnt it great NICK --- Damn bad infomertical he