submitted by roguewolf on Thursday, April 19 2001 at 3:24 PM
Today is the 6th year Anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. The blast killed 168 innocent men, women, and childen. May they rest in peace.
It is more significant today because in less than one month we will see the execution of terrorist Timothy McVeigh, the man who commited the worst act of terrorism ever on US soil. A ceremony took place this morning in Oklahoma City to remember these individuals by their families, friends, and rescue workers. They had a moment of silence for 168 seconds to remeber all these individuals. I ask for you to join me to observe this moment of silence now for those who lost thier lives 6 years ago today...
Thank God they are finally getting around to killing this animal. Whether you oppose the death penalty or not, you must agree that any act of terrorism against this great country should be met with swift and harsh justice. God have mercy upon the soul of those who would dare to terrorize Americans.
I'm all about the death penalty BUT... are we not being manipulated by Timmy McV? This death penalty thing is what he wants. He wants to die, he wants it to be televised. He does not want to live in a small cubic cell and eat crappy prison food the rest of his life. We're just giving him what he wants, we we shouldn't. In this case, shouldn't we make the bastard suffer?
He did not care about those 168 people, so why should we care about HIS wishes. I'm not trying to be liberal here, I just want to discuss the harshest penalty for this man.