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 Stories » No Beamer for Blue

No Beamer for Blue

submitted by markgoal on Tuesday, November 28 2000 at 9:33 AM

Many Tarheel heads were pulled out of their asses monday when Frank Beamer announced to the world that he would stay at Virginia Tech. This broke the spirits of a man by the name of "Dick" at the helm of Carolina athletics. Dick Baddour had said that he was confident that Beamer liked what Carolina had to offer. Apparently a half-full stadium of mute Gap spokesmen was not enough.

posted by CrazyJ on Tuesday, November 28 2000 at 10:48 AM

All American
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Thank the lord he stayed at VT!!!

11/28/2000 10:56:36 AM

All American
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who the hell likes what carolina "has to offer". [sarcasm]I mean really...who could resist all those snotty bitches, gay men, and all the sheep/goats/rams to f*ck for miles around.[/sarcasm]

[Edited by GroundZero on 11/28/2000 at 11:08:19 AM. Reason: shamalamadingdong]

11/28/2000 11:07:26 AM

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Why the hell did Carolina think that they could take a coach who had built the 5th ranked football team in the nation from his own alma mater?!?

Just how prestigious do they think they are?!?! Jesus Christ...

11/28/2000 11:55:31 AM

All American
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Carolina was a lot closer to pulling in Beamer than most people realize and closer than most state fans are willing to admit.

I really think the Wolfpack faithful are just a little bit scared that Carolina has taken a strong stance and taking the right steps to bring bigtime football to the Hill.

11/28/2000 12:09:49 PM

All American
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Why the hell should we be scared?

We're on the move... up...

Carolina is in a tailspin downward spiral.

11/28/2000 12:57:36 PM

All American
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Follow that link and you will see that Carolina finds it unacceptable and are angry at anyone that doesn't come as their first choice.

11/28/2000 1:02:40 PM

All American
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bar is right...beamer actually gave a oral acceptance statement...and stated that he was a man of his word.
i guess he was wrong

11/28/2000 1:06:12 PM

All American
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It is true that Carolina has been on a three year downward spiral. That's why they've fired Torbush and are going after the best coaches in college football. The university has made it clear that they want a big time coach and are willing to shell out the money to get one.

Carolina already has some of the top facilities in the country, and they haven't had problems getting talented players. It shouldn't take a good coach very long at all to turn this program around and get it back where it would have been had Mack Brown not ran out. And that's what scares most Wolfpack fans.

And if you don't believe Beamer was serious about going to Carolina, go talk to some Hokie fans...

11/28/2000 1:23:08 PM

All American
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welp, guess what... he didn't.


I hate sheep in wolves' clothing *coughbartlebycough*

11/28/2000 4:41:44 PM

All American
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No wolves' clothing here. I'm hiding no blood runs blue, and I'm not afraid to wear it on my sleeve.

I've even gone into Case Dining Hall wearing Carolina stuff and sat down right behind Les Robinson.

11/28/2000 4:49:50 PM

All American
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Go to Carolina if your heart is so set upon being a fairy.

I can't stand people who walk around in Carolina Blue crap on campus. Its like a slap in the face to the people that are giving you your education.

11/28/2000 5:17:43 PM

All American
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You know what makes me ill?

People who think that a person's athletic preferences should be a major factor in choosing a college. When I was deciding which college to attend, my primary concern was finding a school that offered a degree that would benefit my career goals. At the time, I was determined to go into computer engineering and therefore decided the NCSU was my best option. If my purpose in coming to college was to watch football and basketball games, then I most definitely would have gone to Carolina.

And saying that it's a slap in the face of the people giving me an eduction:
No one is giving me an education. I'm paying for my education. Sure you can argue that State is a tax-funded organization, but how many people pay taxes in this state that aren't Wolfpack fans?
For the most part, the people who teach at State are here because they are getting paid to be so. I'm sure there are a significant number of teachers who didn't go to State, could care less about Wolfpack athletics, and would probably be teaching at UNC if they were to offer them a better deal.

11/28/2000 5:30:51 PM

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Yeah, I hate nothing more than fools who wear paraphenalia from other colleges while atending another, especial people wearing Carolina Blue (Barf) while attending State. Be a real man and wear the Red and White proudly. If you are so fond of Cryolina then GO THERE. Its people like that, that take away from State and all its glory. I love NC State more than anyone and always will, if you must hold alegiance to another school like Carolina dont make it public while walking around State, do you realize how stupid you look????

11/28/2000 5:34:52 PM

All American
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hahaha gap spokesmen

11/28/2000 5:47:17 PM

All American
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by the way, if you're a guy and you're wearing baby blue (Carolina logo or not) dammit you look like a fairy

11/28/2000 5:50:28 PM

DJ Lauren
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ALRIGHT - DID y'all hear about how somebody went into the dean dome
and stole um--i THINK it was Jamison's jersey...and all this shit and ...THEN ACTUALLY poohed on the middle of the court!! I'm sorry...
i don't think that was neccissary...i'da just left a bunch of 40s!

11/28/2000 6:17:52 PM

All American
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They were probably a DOOKIE.

11/28/2000 6:50:58 PM

All American
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yeah, cause everyone knows that Wolfpack fans are above that kind of behavior

11/28/2000 7:03:06 PM

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From now on, I shall refer to Bartleby as Benedict Arnold.

11/28/2000 8:08:29 PM

DJ Lauren
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11/28/2000 8:45:29 PM

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you must be new to basketball lauren

11/28/2000 11:32:11 PM

All American
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Even though I agree that Bartlby should be considered a traitor, I would like to take a moment to get this thread back on topic. No matter how close Beamer was to going to UNC (maybe even closer than Roy Williams) it would have only been a temporary solution to their football program. Beamer is OLD. He more than likely would have only stuck around for five or so years before he retired. So I, a die-hard Wolfpack fan, was never concerned about the possibilty of UNC hiring Beamer. He is only one man for crying out loud.

11/28/2000 11:50:06 PM

All American
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Not to mention the fact that the real problem with the football program at UNC is the fan support, or lack there of. There fans are some of the worst in the ACC. More concerned with wine and cheese than touchdowns and sacks.

11/28/2000 11:52:42 PM

All American
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Beamer would have provided a solution to both problems you bring up.

First of all, Beamer would have brought with him a staff full of talented younger coaches any of which would be long overdue a head coaching position by the time Beamer retires. And even though Beamer is 54, there's still the possibility he could coach for at least another decade. How old are Bobby Bowden, Joe Paterno, Lou Holtz, and Tom Osborne?

You don't need good fans to win, but if Beamer was coming to Chapel Thrill, interest in the football team would be considerably higher. How interested were the VPI people when the Hokies were playing aweful football? And remember, when Carolina was winning under Mack Brown, it was nearly impossible to get tickets to football games.

11/29/2000 12:01:11 AM

All American
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just proves how fickle UNC fans are.

Sure.. they'll show up if they win, but they don't want to be anywhere near the stadium when they lose.

11/29/2000 12:54:32 AM

Special K
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I would just like to say ROCK ON BARTLEBY!!! I myself am a die hard Carolina fan and always will be, although NCSU is second. But I did not make my decision of where to go to college based on which sports teams I like the best. As for myself, I am here for my education, and I know I can get the best education in engineering here. So in all reality, I cannot be considered a traitor to State, when I have been a Carolina fan all my life. If anything, I am a traitor to Carolina. But going there is not the best for me.

Loyal Carolina fans are not fickle, but there is always that group of people who are "fans" when the team is winning, and once the team start to lose, they are no longer fans. There is even that group here is State, they are everywhere. They lack devotion.

[Edited by Special K on 11/29/2000 at 2:10:51 AM. Reason: bleh bleh]

11/29/2000 2:07:21 AM

New Recruit
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Carolina fans are such damn winers, i can't stand em, kinda like Al Gore.

11/29/2000 4:03:49 AM

All American
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When you get accepted to State, thats when you are no longer a carolina fan. Sure, you should go to whichever school offers the curicula that you desire... but to openly support the athletic teams of our arch-rival... It baffles me why you think this is ok. I guarantee that you don't see people around carolina's pathetic hellhole wearing dookie stuff.

11/29/2000 9:00:08 AM

All American
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"Loyal Carolina fans are not fickle, but there is always that group of people who are "fans" when the team is winning, and once the team start to lose, they are no longer fans. There is even that group here is State, they are everywhere."

Difference is, at Carolina that is a rule while here that is an exception. Sure there may be a couple Tarheel fans that stick around, be it b/c they haven't checked the score in awhile or whatnot, but a great majority of State fans stick it out. That is the difference between loyalty and leeching onto a winner.

I, for one, did pull for Carolina growing up. The difference is, when I turned down Carolina and came here, I had the good sense to have a spine, be true to my school, and cheer Wolfpack all the way!!! I think you need to think about this old phrase "Love it or leave it." If you go to State and don't love it enough to pull for your own team, you don't belong here. You shouldn't choose a college based solely on its athletic teams, but you sure as hell better pull for your own school when you get there. Get a soul, some pride, step onto the Wolfpack train and ride, ride, ride...

11/29/2000 10:33:30 AM

All American
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i live and breath tarheel basketball

11/29/2000 11:19:15 AM

Special K
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As do I, and it will never change. But I sure as hell am not gonna change my major and go to Carolina. It's not worth that. But my loyalty remains where it always has been. Bash me, go ahead, I don't care!! GO HEELS!!!

11/29/2000 2:54:35 PM

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