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 Stories » 2009 Ram Roast

2009 Ram Roast

submitted by Jkumar923 on Tuesday, November 17 2009 at 10:54 PM

The Alumni Association Student Ambassador Program (AASAP) once again wants to invite everyone to the annual "Ram Roast" event. This is an all-night event filled with food, fun,prizes and entertainment.

At 8:15 the event kicks off with a Pep Rally featuring Tom O'Brien and a few players. We will also have the Alpha Phi Alpha Inc. Step Team, and our North Carolina State University Dance Team, Cheerleaders, and The Power Sound of the South. Our Army, Navy, and Air Force ROTC will be guarding the tunnel for the first shift, from 9:00-9:30

There will also be FREE pizza after the Pep Rally.

Starting at 10PM we will show a replay of last year's NC State vs. UNC Game. Bring Chairs and Blankets to watch outside the tunnel!!

WOLFPACK TRIVIA - If you and your friends want to compete in a battle of NC State Trivia at midnight come by during the Pep Rally to sign up your team. The winning team will get prizes and awesome surprises!

The MOST IMPORTANT part of the Rams Roast is the protection of our tunnel.

So, if you want to do your part and be guaranteed a ticket to the NC STATE/UNC football game sign up for a 2 hour shift here.

That's right, everyone who works a 2-hour shift will get a ticket to the game!

GO PACK!!!!!!!!

• for more information visit the facebook page.

posted by marko on Wednesday, November 18 2009 at 9:38 AM

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Monday November 23rd. Sorry forgot to include the date

11/18/2009 11:17:34 AM

All American
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What's the point of guarding the tunnel 5 nights early? Wouldn't it make more sense to do this the night before the game?

11/18/2009 4:19:08 PM

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well the point is that most of the time Carolina comes Thursday so all day Friday students on campus will have to walk through a Carolina blue tunnel so usually the Ram Roast is a Thursday. But since this year we play on Thanksgiving break, if anyone comes and messes with the tunnel wednesday, Thursday or Friday no one will be on campus to see it. In fact students have to leave the dorms for the break so the only night that they could come so students will see is Monday night. That is why we are having the event then.

11/18/2009 10:50:50 PM

All American
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so who will be watching the bell tower then.

if they drive ~30 minutes and purchase large quantities of paint they ARE going to paint something


i can't believe we are playing UNC at home during thanksgiving break. looks like our stadium has a chance of being packed out with pansy blue

[Edited on November 19, 2009 at 12:12 AM. Reason : .]

11/19/2009 12:08:18 AM

Wolfman Tim
All American
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11/19/2009 12:35:29 AM

All American
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You mean a wolf roast? They are gonna kick our ass.....

11/22/2009 12:27:11 AM

All American
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so what happens if people do show up with blue paint?

11/22/2009 4:15:22 PM

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Who watches the watchmen

11/22/2009 7:41:26 PM

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can non students come?

11/23/2009 12:43:59 PM

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definitely, everyone is welcome. rain or shine, the pep rally and events are available for everyone to participate, but just not tickets to non-students.

11/23/2009 1:15:51 PM

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y not tickets to nonstudents? there needs to be a pack fan club for all us too.

11/23/2009 2:31:07 PM

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athletics gave us tickets but they only gave us tickets for students who gaurd the tunnel and signed up and the tickets get put into their student accounts. It's because these tickets would have gone to students anyway and doesn't cost athletics anything to provide them. if they gave us real tickets for non-students they would be losing money so they wouldn't do it. sorry guys. RAIN OR SHINE TONIGHT.

11/23/2009 2:47:50 PM

All American
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Quote :
All American
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You mean a wolf roast? They are gonna kick our ass....."


11/28/2009 3:57:24 PM

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UNC pwnt, stay home

1/2/2010 3:20:01 AM

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