Stories » Two Students Diagnosed with H1N1 Influenza
Two Students Diagnosed with H1N1 Influenza
submitted by dp1974 on Saturday, June 13 2009 at 12:42 AM
NC State Student Health Services received confirmation this evening that two NC State students have the novel H1N1 influenza virus.
• The students are recovering and are in self-isolation at home.
• Both individuals reside off campus in Wake County, and there is no connection between the cases.
The university has notified individuals who are enrolled in classes with the students who were diagnosed with H1N1 influenza to monitor themselves for flu symptoms, which may include fever over 100 degrees, respiratory symptoms, such as cough and sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, and diarrhea or vomiting. An e-mail alert was also sent to the campus community, including employees of the university.
It's kind of funny how people freak out about swine flu. If you were to catch THIS version of swine flu, that would probably be a good thing for you at least. It would mean that if a more deadly and infectious swine flu swept through in a later pandemic or in another wave in this one, you would at least have some immunity to it. Of course the problem with that kind of thinking is that each person who is infected presents a chance of the virus mutating and becoming that more deadly and infectious version.