It only takes 1-2 minutes! Help your fellow wolfwebbers out and get them into office! We can finally be represented! You will see that our picks are conveniently placed in a frame beside the ballot. These picks are day to day wolfwebbers just like you and me. VOTE NOW!
posted by mdbncsu on Monday, April 2 2001 at 5:24 AM
"I just went to that site and guess what? They accept write-in votes! I was thinking that if we all get together we could at least make a little dent in this voting system.
Everyone go vote, but not for RAJ.. I nominate "Matthew Bayley" for student body president !!!
Go vote, NOW
<a href= target="_blank">click here to vote</a>
its not like we are gonna mess up anything with only the 20 or so people on here