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 Site Info » About CrazyWeb
The Software
CrazyWeb is the homegrown web application that powers this site along with many others around the internet. CrazyWeb was written from the ground up in Windows Notepad. The architecture behind CrazyWeb makes it unique from any other software package existing on the internet. Any CrazyWeb application requires the base module, the CrazyBase. The CrazyBase handles user management, session management, authentication, and other basic functions. CrazyModule extensions plug into the CrazyBase. Examples of CrazyModules include message boards, photo galleries, school tool, etc. These CrazyModules are developed with a common interface to the CrazyBase. Any combination of CrazyModules can be plugged into a CrazyBase to create the CrazyWeb application.
The Philosophy
The focus of CrazyWeb is to blend usability, performance, and functionality into a single experience for the end user. Usability is the absolute bottom line. You may notice that no instructions exist for any portion of CrazyWeb. The site is instead designed so that it can be intuitively navigated without any need for instructions. People don't want to read instructions and we don't want to write them. It all works out! Performance is another major concern. CrazyWeb is designed to serve hundreds of users concurrently with a minimal use of resources. Caching is used extensively. Constant improvements are made daily to ensure that the end user recieves a responsive and lightning fast experience using CrazyWeb. Functionality comes in third. Functionality is enhanced when determined that usability and performance will not be adversely affected.
The Platform
CrazyWeb is an ASP.NET application written in a combination of VB.NET and C#. ASP.NET runs on Windows servers with IIS and the .NET framework installed. Coupled with the ASP.NET frontend is a powerful backend powered by SQL Server. The latest in data access technologies is used to bring the two together. And yes, we do realize that these are Microsoft technologies. The fact is, this is the best platform for the job. If you don't believe us, take us up on our standing offer and go create a similar software package that performs as well.
We do not offer a simple license model for CrazyWeb. It is not possible to offer customized functionality with a single packaged product. Instead we offer contractual customized packages that offer the flexibility that is integral to any interactive application.

Any site developed with CrazyWeb will include the full CrazyBase. Individual CrazyModules can be created or modified from existing CrazyModules. Please contact us for a quote on development of a CrazyWeb application!

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