Andrew Payne's been here since before I was, and is seriously one of the most intelligent minds I've heard on KNC 88.1 when he had his own talk show.
Larisa's "plans for student's needs" outline tend to be unrealistic and geared towards the social needs of fraternities(outdoor lawn party, chick-fil-a outside). Some of her plans would be nice to have in effect, but don't address the most crucial needs of students (such as moving expenditures from the eternal "beautification" of campus and fake brent road parties towards hiring more staff and increasing course availability, etc.), rather they address the liesurely issues that spend a lot of money on things(like bonfires and extra chick-fil-a stands) that will serve only a select few groups of students.
Mike Anthony pretty much ALSO made up his campaign as running time approached. Fighting the tuition increase is admirable, but realistically, won't hold for too long. Tuition increases are a symptom of the economic state of the nation and state, which are both very poor right now and will eventually have to use tuition increases to meet budget needs. What do you expect them to do, cut back on defense spending? guffaw, as if!
Mike and Larisa are also poli-sci majors, if I remember correctly. This adds to the likelihood that their runs were geared toward their own interests(like any politician).
jackleg's hilarious. As far as what this election really meant, he should have won, b/c student body pres. means nothing except a good looking credit on someone's resume.
I have no idea who Clarence Davis is.
I would vote for a hotdog in a bun dipped in flower preserver. I would call the hot dog "Mr. Hotdog". Mr. Hotdog would lie on the Bell Tower steps 24/7 to address any student that came to see him about student needs.
Now that the election is over, I can rest knowing that nothing is fake unless in the face of politics.