The problem with the book exchange is you can't add any additional information about the books you have...such as I sell all my books with completed tests from that class...I can't advertise that on the book exchange.
12/10/2002 7:33:47 PM
DG not doing test files?
12/10/2002 8:58:29 PM
When I redid the Book Exchange originally, I thought about allowing a seller to post comments with a book as I had done previously. However, I concluded that comments were beyond the scope of the book exchange. When there were comments before, most of them consisted of 'Buy my damn book' and things of that nature which I want to keep out.
12/11/2002 11:48:42 PM
I would say bring the comments back if you are going to lock any thread that offers to sell a book even though there are stipulations they cannot list in the book exchange.
12/12/2002 11:01:25 PM
I'll consider adding fields for notes, study guides, additional course material. I don't want comments because the majority of them are useless. What would be the most useful fields?
12/13/2002 12:04:43 AM
maybe have it work so that the class is what it is based on... then have choices such as "book" or "study guide" or "old tests/notes" that you can check that will be included in the price that you set.
12/13/2002 1:55:51 AM
My main concern is that perfectly good books that NCSU puts out that can be resold are not in the LoC so I can't list them. I just want to sell my chemistry book before they make a new one.
12/13/2002 2:16:54 AM
Make flyers and put them up in Dabney, or something like that.Definitely have some way of letting other users know of additional material that goes with the book being posted (study guide, solutions manual, notes, old tests).
12/13/2002 11:53:32 AM
is there any way to post a book with an unknown ISBN? there should be.
12/27/2002 10:47:39 PM
we require it to ensure that our data is accurate
12/27/2002 10:51:47 PM
accurate is better than incomplete? maybe im missing something (i probably am)
12/28/2002 2:07:14 AM
of course accuracy is better than incompleteit is also better than complete though
12/28/2002 11:02:29 AM
haha oops.. you know what i meant.
12/28/2002 11:05:06 AM