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8181 Posts
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How long would it take you to run a sub 10 minute mile? I'd guess like 2nd try if I had to guess, but really have no clue

[Edited on December 26, 2024 at 1:25 AM. Reason : Maybe first try if life depended on it]

12/26/2024 1:25:03 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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I feel like I could do it first try.

12/26/2024 5:12:26 AM

All American
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less than 10 minutes.

12/26/2024 8:44:09 AM

All American
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2 - 5 months of running 3 times a week. How much you weigh? If you're 300 going to take way longer. Low 200s it's possible.

12/26/2024 9:37:11 AM

All American
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Probably about 8 minutes

12/26/2024 10:26:06 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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14 minutes

12/26/2024 10:51:25 AM

All American
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12/26/2024 4:25:26 PM

All American
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Alright...I was curious. I just finished running 2 miles--first mile split was 8:16. Total for 2 miles was 16:55.

I was definitely exerting myself, but nowhere near laying on the ground wheezing and trying not to puke exerting myself. I'm sure with a few times practicing and pacing HARD for just one mile, I'd be way into the 7s.

I run 2-3x per week, but it's usually 4-5 miles at a VERY slow pace for Zone 2 training (about 12-min/mile pace).

For reference, I'm 45. 5'8" or a little more (but not quite 5'9") and 189-190 lbs.

12/28/2024 11:51:05 AM

8181 Posts
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In retrospect, less than 10 minutes is the perfect answer to being asked how long would it take to run a mile in less than 10 minutes

If I could just get motivated enough to go to the gym or at least my apartments treadmills, which i doubt even work well, I could test

12/28/2024 11:58:15 AM

All American
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Quote :
"In retrospect, less than 10 minutes is the perfect answer to being asked how long would it take to run a mile in less than 10 minutes"

Haha yeah that was the engineer in me. Not the athlete in me.

Quote :
"or at least my apartments treadmills, which i doubt even work well, I could test

That will give you an idea, but a treadmill isn't quite the same as running on the ground.

Quote :
"If I could just get motivated enough"

So here's some unsolicited advice that benefited me: Read up a little on Zone 2 training and give it a shot. You'll need some sort of heart rate monitor, especially until you do it a while and get a feel for the level of exertion (or lack thereof). I use an Apple Watch Ultra, but any Apple Watch, Fitbit, prob Garmin watch, etc would be fine. It doesn't need to be exotic.

I'll let you read for yourself about the physiological mechanisms and benefits, but the short summary is that you go for long duration, but very low intensity. You will probably be alternating between very slowly trotting and just briskly walking for a little while to keep your heart rate in the correct range, and you'll have to closely watch your watch/heart rate monitor. Then, between increased fitness and a better "feel" for the level of exertion, you'll spend less time walking. Then, eventually, you'll be able to maintain something that genuinely constitutes a run (albeit a slow one) for miles and miles.

The thing is, it doesn't suck. I have never liked running. I ran XC in HS, but it was mostly to get in shape pre-season for wrestling (and a little bit as a social activity). I ran as a wrestler. I certainly ran during my 20-something years in the Marines (although most of that time, I did only the minimum--I could max out the scale on every fitness metric except for the run, so even a marginally decent 3-mile run time would give me good total scores). I sure as hell never liked it, though.

Now, I actually sort of enjoy it, although I still view myself as only a novice runner or not much better. Get a good pair of highly cushioned running shoes and replace them every 6 months, and then listen to books on Audible while you chug away lots of miles. If you had someone to run with, you could prob carry on conversation without much trouble--at this pace, you aren't breathing very hard. It's comfortable. In the beginning, the struggle will actually be to hold the pace BACK and run slowly enough. The difficultly will be in being lazy enough and exerting yourself minimally enough.

[Edited on December 28, 2024 at 12:37 PM. Reason : hell you might literally just be briskly walking in the beginning if you're totally untrained]]

12/28/2024 12:14:01 PM

8181 Posts
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insightful post, a few things added to my "look into" list, thabks

12/28/2024 12:32:41 PM

All American
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yeah...if you're a TV watcher, you could totally comfortably watch TV or streaming on an iPad while on the treadmill.

12/28/2024 1:08:19 PM

8181 Posts
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Still haven't looked into zone 2 thing but did happen to notice the zones when checking my last 2 bike rides

Not sure if these numbers are good or not

12/29/2024 4:21:59 PM

All American
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You must be a good bit younger than me?

[Edited on December 29, 2024 at 8:22 PM. Reason : Late 30s?]

12/29/2024 8:21:45 PM

8181 Posts
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Not too much younger, turned 40 not too long ago, what in my numbers made you feel that way?

[Edited on December 29, 2024 at 8:46 PM. Reason : Additional question]

12/29/2024 8:44:15 PM

All American
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Your zones are somewhat higher heart rates than mine. I turned 45 a few months ago

[Edited on December 29, 2024 at 9:35 PM. Reason : My zone 2 is 133-143]

12/29/2024 9:34:20 PM

114721 Posts
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I'm not sure if I could do it at this point, unless it was like on a padded surface or something

if I was being held to gunpoint, I'm sure I could pull 9.5 minutes lol

12/29/2024 9:37:06 PM

8181 Posts
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^^interesting. They should let you modify zones based on fitness level, but i guess most wouldn't self report honestly

12/29/2024 11:20:45 PM

All American
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There are ways to nerd out and be more exact with it, I believe with measuring both resting and max heart rates under 100% effort…and maybe V02 max?

Apple Watch might attempt those, I’m not sure. It probably does….so my zones might be lower partly because I exercise mor (my resting rate is pretty low, like 50s), and partly because I’m older.

You can be in the ballpark just by going 60-70% of 220-age, though.

But whatever, just swipe up on your watch during a workout so it displays the zones in real time, and then keep it in the one that you want as you exercise.

[Edited on December 30, 2024 at 12:38 AM. Reason : ]

12/30/2024 12:37:50 AM

8181 Posts
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Yeah I'm def not that low resting. On a good day probably 80. If I ran a sub 10 minute mile, i bet my zones are as follows.

First 30 seconds zone 1, next 60 seconds zone 2, next 30 seconds zone 3, next 60 seconds zone 4, last 7 minutes zone 5

12/30/2024 1:43:15 AM

balls deep
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Quote :
The thing is, it doesn't suck. I have never liked running. I ran XC in HS, but it was mostly to get in shape pre-season for wrestling (and a little bit as a social activity). I ran as a wrestler. I certainly ran during my 20-something years in the Marines (although most of that time, I did only the minimum--I could max out the scale on every fitness metric except for the run, so even a marginally decent 3-mile run time would give me good total scores). I sure as hell never liked it, though.

lol, I ran track in high school, and I never liked running, or training at least. Now I run three or four times a week and typically go four or so miles at a time. The thing is now that I actually enjoy running. I don't think I actually ever started enjoying it until I put the stopwatch down and started running purely for exercise and fitness. I certainly always time my runs and keep track of it just for the sake of noting my progress, but I'm also not trying to break any speed records. I usually get along at about a 9 minute per mile pace.

12/30/2024 8:26:42 AM

All American
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I absolutely cannot run on a treadmill with very limited exceptions (its smokey outside and I'm particularly motivated to train). I never ran when I was younger but started exploring West LA by running. I usually just ran in a direction and turned somewhat randomly and found my way back home.

My comfort level, whether I'm 180 or 220 lbs has always been about 170. That's where I consistently run. Pace in the 8s when I'm thinner and 10s now. I know my calculated max and ranges are much higher than average for my age. My max heart rate is like 205. By 189 or so I feel like I'm exerting myself and can't really sustain it that long.

Quote :
Alright...I was curious. I just finished running 2 miles--first mile split was 8:16. Total for 2 miles was 16:55"

You mother fucker!

Have you done any of the runs around? I did pumpkin, turkey trot and USO. They seem to have a run every week somewhere.

12/31/2024 10:26:14 AM

All American
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Correction: Just checked my fitness for 2 miles was 16:50, not 16:55.

Nah, I've never done any of them. Does McGuire's still have the running club?

12/31/2024 6:30:59 PM

All American
8859 Posts
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Congratulations on your resolutions to stay active

12/31/2024 6:49:35 PM

All American
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^^ I don't think so, but they do that massive run with 10s of thousands of people on Mardi gras. I actually met the guy that started the running club. It started at another bar and that bar didn't give discounts so they moved it to McGuires. Some dudes got hit by a car during a run and they sued McGuire's over it even though there was no legal tie or written agreement.

1/1/2025 8:50:00 AM

18600 Posts
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1/2/2025 10:01:02 AM

8181 Posts
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I tried today. I could have made it but stopped at .7 of a mile. Definitely gassed. Even after about 37 days of being cigarette free, lungs were really hurting. Watch said i was in zone 2 the whole time(like just shy of 7 minutes) which doesn't seem right

1/4/2025 11:34:17 PM

All American
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yeah that's weird. Zone 2 shouldn't have you feeling gassed. You should barely feel like you're exerting yourself.

1/4/2025 11:49:03 PM

All American
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Going that long without smoking has probably weakened your lung fibers. Think of how tuff your lungs will be on a full flavor.

1/4/2025 11:54:46 PM

8181 Posts
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^^20 years of pack a day smoking i guess isn't fixed in 37 days. Glad I could do a sub 10 minute mile on first try though

1/5/2025 12:02:25 AM

148939 Posts
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lol, the ability to run a 10 minute mile isn't just about heart rate zones. lung and leg endurance are pretty important too.

1/5/2025 1:00:35 AM

All American
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oh 100%. I was just suggesting long endurance zone 2 training because it doesn't suck miserably, at least to me. You can chill and listen to audiobooks or music or have a conversation with a running partner or whatever--it's what finally got me to incorporate regular, extensive cardio.


OK, I just ran a mile pretty much flat-out. Not competing in a track meet, about to hurl at the end flat-out, but not a 2-mile pace this time, either. I was pretty much 95%+ effort. It was a circular route to negate any effects of wind or elevation change, other than the last few hundred yards at the end (which were probably slightly downhill, but we're talking maybe 3-5' of elevation change and only for a few hundred yards.)

I did a 7:35.

(then I walked probably not quite a mile, then easy-jogged another couple miles)

1/5/2025 2:34:41 PM

8181 Posts
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I want to say perhaps 8:30 is my best mile ever

Actually read something today mentioning not to get too hung up on zone 2, will edit and link here in a minute

That .7 of a mile really must have dislodged some tar because today I have been hacking up a ton, and way darker than the past few weeks. This is closer to how it looked the first 10 days or so of quitting

[Edited on January 5, 2025 at 3:46 PM. Reason : Link]

1/5/2025 3:44:48 PM

114721 Posts
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I feel like I got a 6:50 mile once in cross country, but I only ever broke 20 minutes on a 5K like twice lol

1/5/2025 3:48:25 PM

All American
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StXray dog let me know and the owner of this site will set up a gofundyou for a visit to the least cost urgent care to make sure youre safe

1/5/2025 5:27:16 PM

All American
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^^^ I think what they're saying is not to slavishly adhere to HR zones.

A perfect example would be me earlier today:

I lifted weights last night, doing legs. I upped the weight a little from what I had been doing, so there's a little bit of system shock there. Then I briskly walked four miles when I got home.

Then I ran a mile pretty close to flat-out around lunchtime today, and then I briskly walked for about 15 minutes, at which point I picked up a jogging pace for the last 2.3 miles. I couldn't keep the HR in zone 2 like I planned. It would have required walking I I just jogged at the pace (by "feel" and also verified by my Apple Watch) that I'd normally do for Zone 2, even though I was solidly up in the middle of Zone 3 the entire time.

That's maybe a little more extreme of an example than your article is describing, but yeah, there are occasionally times (usually when I have really exerted myself hard the day before and I'm not really recovered) when I have a hard time keeping it down in Zone 2. That day might be half zone 2 and half zone 3 or something. (I think this is not the same as it probably will be when you first start the zone 2 training when it's difficult in general to keep it in zone 2--I've done it enough now to be decently conditioned and also to have a good feel for the pace--it's just that sometimes my body isn't performing quite at its peak).

Conversely, 2 nights ago, I did an hour on my elliptical machine. Prob 1/3 of it or a little more was down in Zone 1 (which is typical I've found at a pace that "feels" similar to what I'm now very accustomed and attuned to while running), while about 3.5 minutes of it in the beginning were way up in zones 4/5. I've found that happens every now at then, too; I don't know why it did that day. A few minutes later, my body settled in and did its thing.

That article isn't deriding Zone 2 training. It's just saying don't spaz out about it and make it harder than it needs to be. For a while, I would say you absolutely, positively do need a HR monitor and you need to more or less abide by it. You also need to do a whole shitload more than 0.7 miles. Go for, like, an hour, a few times per week.

After you do it for a while, you don't need to hawk your HR monitor constantly--you have a better feel for it.

[Edited on January 5, 2025 at 5:37 PM. Reason : ]

1/5/2025 5:37:06 PM

8181 Posts
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Perhaps soon. Right now I'm just trying to not feel anxious to the point I feel like I have to buy a pack of smokes, with buying a bottle of wine in a close 2nd

1/5/2025 5:49:07 PM

148939 Posts
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I tried running a mile this morning. I think I was on a slightly slower-than-10-minutes pace but I had to stop to try and track down somebody's dog who ran across the street. Ended up going like 1.5 miles but a combo of running and walking.

[Edited on January 12, 2025 at 11:06 AM. Reason : .]

1/12/2025 11:06:02 AM

114721 Posts
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guys we're in our 60s, stop beating up your knees running

1/12/2025 11:32:27 AM

8181 Posts
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^^nice. I am thinking of trying again. One tip I was told was to run for time, not distance. So perhaps 9min 50 sec mile, then 9 min 40 sec mile, and so on

1/12/2025 11:36:42 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Obviously that's not what it means.

It means to run for a specific amount of time and see what distance you get rather than running for a specific distance to see what time you get.

How's the tar situation?

RIP StTexan's Lungs


1/12/2025 2:39:37 PM

8181 Posts
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Man, idk why but apple watch only got beginning and very end. Last heart rate recording was 189bpm. Lungs on fire, metallic taste like i'm bleeding internally

Tar from this morning

[Edited on January 12, 2025 at 5:58 PM. Reason : Tar]

1/12/2025 5:57:06 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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I think you should go to a doctor

1/12/2025 6:36:46 PM

8181 Posts
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For what? For them to say gotta be patient lungs won't fix themselves in nearly 50ish days? I'm just gonna keep trying and hoping endurance builds up

1/12/2025 7:10:45 PM

All American
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I could run sub-10 on demand once, but not consistently.

1/12/2025 7:21:21 PM

8181 Posts
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Damn, probably most tar i've coughed up in one attempt since I quit, at about 53 days or so

1/19/2025 2:07:33 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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How long is it supposed to be before you clear out the tar that can be cleared?

1/19/2025 3:52:46 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Motherfucker has tuberculosis

1/19/2025 5:58:47 PM

8181 Posts
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^^idk. I guess not as quickly as I had hoped or expected.

^smoked for most of last 20 years. Amazing to me how it adds up. Probably just shy of 150,000 cigarettes. 20x20x365. Doubt it is bronchitis

1/20/2025 12:01:17 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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20 cigarettes a day?!

1/20/2025 8:43:01 AM

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