Will the cans freeze and bust??
1/28/2019 10:43:11 PM
the alcohol will lower the freezing point, so it really depends on how cold it getsthe only known alcohol that cannot freeze is dat 190% alcohol
1/28/2019 11:07:22 PM
Yes, the cans will freeze and bust. The only way to be safe is to drive around and drink until it's gone.
1/28/2019 11:12:12 PM
You can always store it in a cabnit in the car.
1/29/2019 12:57:35 AM
Is it safe to leave beer in you car
1/29/2019 1:32:59 AM
1/29/2019 1:33:22 AM
1/29/2019 1:33:44 AM
1/29/2019 1:34:20 AM
1/29/2019 1:34:43 AM
1/29/2019 1:35:12 AM
did i do it right?
1/29/2019 1:36:13 AM
Not safeThe only option is to drink it all right now
1/29/2019 1:45:03 AM
If you're in Chicago right now, then yeah don't do it.A can of beer needs to get below 20°F for there to be any concern about it freezing.
1/29/2019 2:19:48 PM
1/29/2019 2:21:03 PM
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1/29/2019 2:23:18 PM
1/29/2019 3:58:42 PM
Is it safe to leave bear in you car
1/29/2019 4:12:42 PM
i think our pee can kill bushes cause several times i peed out a window and like there was a bush outside that window and then like a few months later i noticed the bush was dead
1/29/2019 4:23:54 PM
It is now colder than the mini fridge beer
1/30/2019 12:34:36 AM
What's the make and model of the car? What beer is it?
1/30/2019 1:12:12 AM
Drink it, Pussy.
1/30/2019 1:47:35 AM
where the fuck do you live? Because it sure as hell wasn't in Raleigh this morning.
1/30/2019 1:22:31 PM
I’m in blowing rock
1/30/2019 9:01:27 PM
Leave your heater on and it'll be a-okay
1/30/2019 9:37:23 PM
Is it safe to leave a bear in your car?Will its bowels freeze and bu[r]st?
1/30/2019 10:54:30 PM
There's no single answer to this. It depends on how cold it is and how high the alcohol content of the beer is. The higher it is, the lower temperatures it can withstand before freezing. With that being said, the average freezer is at 0 degrees and they definitely bust beers, so I'd try not to leave it anywhere less than 15-20 degrees, even if it is a higher alcohol beer.
1/31/2019 11:05:51 AM
Also depends on how insulated you car is.
1/31/2019 1:42:31 PM
If the treadmill is cold enough, I think the beer will take off.
1/31/2019 1:53:46 PM
^ knows what s/he's talking about
1/31/2019 3:45:00 PM
Sexton Hardcastle is a man, b
2/1/2019 10:33:16 AM
Hold up, Sweden, you're from Asheville too?
2/1/2019 8:08:30 PM
continued drinking the beerit is now being stored ina coolerso far so good
2/4/2019 12:41:28 PM