Is coming with an all female cast! Y'all didn't give a shit about Woody Harrelson and that Michael Sera wannabe anyway right?
7/14/2018 9:40:13 AM
The article you linked to says the entire cast is returning (except for Bill Murray). Was that an attempt at some kind of joke due to all female remakes or something?
7/14/2018 1:31:07 PM
Disregard the article. It's fake news.
7/14/2018 1:51:11 PM
What? No, it's really happening.
7/14/2018 6:10:48 PM
It's definitely happening.
7/14/2018 6:59:45 PM
Trailer didn't do it for me, but I'm sure it'll be an enjoyable watch like the first one.
7/26/2019 12:20:44 PM
Yeah, I didn’t think it was a great trailer either
7/26/2019 1:04:57 PM
7/26/2019 1:31:06 PM
to me, the trailer hit enough points for me to want to see it, to me.
7/29/2019 9:12:34 AM
7/29/2019 9:21:51 AM
7/29/2019 9:27:54 AM
Saw it. Not quite as good as the first one, IMO, but worth seeing. I also think it'd be hard for it to be as good since it's a lot of the same tropes and both what I consider original and what I consider funny has matured over time. Also wait through the credits. It's worth it.*********SPOILER ALERT*********From the trailer, I got the impression that the dopplegangers would be a bigger plot piece than they were. I'm happy about that overall but I spent so much time of the movie waiting for that point that I was sort of caught off guard and wish I had enjoyed the rest for what it was rather than waiting for what I thought would be a major plot piece. Also the Bill Murray piece after the credits was totally worth waiting. Actually one of my highlights.
10/27/2019 4:03:43 PM
Thoroughly enjoyable sequel. I could continue watching this gang just explore this world. For part 3 they should head to Vegas. A+ will watch again.
1/22/2020 9:03:42 AM
More enjoyable than I thought it would be from the trailers, was definitely a solid sequel.
2/2/2020 8:48:45 PM
It was okay, tallahassee was too over the top. Plot didn't make a lot of sense but it was still better than most movies out now.
2/11/2020 11:44:11 PM