Trying to find an easy, quick way to extract some data simply by pasting in a few columns and having the other columns extract via functions (no vba, pivot tables, etc.).Copy in data to Cols A and B. Manually select rows to be deleted via inserting X under Col C. Col D and E extract remaining data.Pretty much want this:Pretty sure I've done this before, just don't know how.
2/20/2018 9:13:22 AM
are table functions okay?
2/20/2018 9:18:55 AM
meaning? trying to get to something as simple as pasting the 2 columns and then inserting Xs and that's all
2/20/2018 9:25:22 AM
E = A(C~='X');Oh, wait... Excel.
2/20/2018 12:17:05 PM
can you use google sheets instead of excel?=query(A:C,"select A, B where C<>'X'")
2/20/2018 12:46:15 PM
finally figured it out. well, i did the inverse actually. so not clean, but it works. and only because my data is in ascending order{=SMALL(IF(C2:C10)="",A2:A10),ROW(INDRECT("1:"&COUNTIF(C2:C10,""))))}then I just used an index lookup to return Col B
2/20/2018 1:44:12 PM
2/20/2018 1:57:17 PM
If I have data in this format:
DATE VALUE CATEGORYday1 val Aday1 val Bday1 val Cday1 val Dday2 val Aday2 val Dday2 val G...
3/30/2020 10:43:43 PM
3/30/2020 11:49:00 PM
just ask Clippy
3/31/2020 1:23:43 AM
someone on stack overflow pointed me to the "pivot" SQL function that solved the problem for me
3/31/2020 4:32:37 PM