Anybody watching this? Funny ass comedy from Canada on CraveTV which debuted last year. The streaming service is only in Canada so we can't get the show by any legal means in the states. Almost two months ago they inked a deal for international distribution, but no word on when/where it will be available. The show won Best Comedy Series at the Canadian Screen Awards this year (not sure how much competition they had) and is so popular in Canada a brewery has been making a beer referenced in the show, Puppers. The new season drops on Christmas Day.Wife and I got into this early this year and have already watch all twenty episodes at least twice. For an example of what its like, here is the original opening scene:
12/13/2017 8:09:17 AM
I ran through like all of the youtubes a while back, tis a good show.
12/13/2017 1:22:41 PM