be cloned? I mean, do you think someone will do it? Would violence break out over people trying to stop the mad scientist?[Assuming, of course, that his DNA or his close relatives' DNA is found.]Would God allow it to happen? Perhaps the experiment will always fail, even if the technology becomes so good that clones are walking around like normal? question.
4/16/2017 9:58:59 PM
4/16/2017 10:00:37 PM
What do you think TT?
4/16/2017 10:03:36 PM
We should clone Einstein, Euler and Newton and have them work together to solve the worlds problems.
4/16/2017 10:06:51 PM
I got a chuckle out of this:
4/16/2017 10:10:51 PM
He wouldn't be allowed to enter our country! GTFOOH you free loadin', hippy heeb! MAGA
4/16/2017 10:34:16 PM
4/16/2017 10:46:43 PM
^ Will read when I get time, very interesting for me.Here is more that I came across a couple of days but haven't read yet:^^ But what if the cloned Jesus says he will MAGA???
4/16/2017 11:01:06 PM
They'll all turn out to be Craig Christ instead which would also be cool
4/16/2017 11:03:05 PM
I have no idea who that is but this is what the internet says
4/17/2017 12:04:00 AM
There is no God. Nothing awaits you after death. Clone whatever the fuck you want within your self-determined yet consensual ethical limits. If you want to take a crack at cloning some Palestinian carpenter, go for it. There are much, much, much better uses of your time and resources, though.
4/17/2017 6:19:20 AM
Cloning is really just a novelty.
4/17/2017 8:28:15 AM
Yo, I'm just trying to get someone to manufacture me some Usain Bolt legs in the lab, and stitch those bitches to me
4/17/2017 8:50:50 AM
I am not gonna lie, I would pay good money to see the actual Jesus show up here today and realize he created the biggest long con in the history of civilization and how much it has shaped the world we live in today.
4/17/2017 9:34:31 AM
The Discovery has disproven Jesus, so we good.
4/17/2017 9:41:09 AM
Jesus is nothing but an idea of forgiveness and redemption, and believe me it has benefitted society.
4/17/2017 10:06:07 AM
i prefer cool Hercules to lame Hercules
4/17/2017 10:28:39 AM
All we have to do is collect a sample of his blood from the local church. White blood cells are an excellent source of DNA. if Jesus was transgender though?
4/17/2017 12:12:31 PM
they should clone jesus and mary then have them be a guest on maurythe results show, with a 99.9% accuracy, god you are NOT the father. then the crowd could boo and call mary a whore
4/18/2017 7:00:53 PM
4/18/2017 7:27:11 PM
4/18/2017 8:32:49 PM