Is there a way to get amazon credit either transferred over to Paypal or have it loaded on a prepaid debit card? Have about $100 in Amazon Credit that I'd get more use of if it was in Paypal, but can't seem to find an easy way to do it.
11/1/2016 9:10:06 AM
Buy an amazon gift card for $100 then sell it to someone for $90 paypal only?
11/1/2016 9:28:23 AM
It's like you don't quite understand what the Amazon credit is.
11/1/2016 10:35:27 AM
Who doesn't buy things on Amazon?
11/1/2016 11:10:10 AM
11/1/2016 11:36:24 AM
hey guys i have a coupon for a free big mac, is there any way i can get that transferred to paypal?
11/1/2016 12:38:17 PM
11/1/2016 1:13:09 PM
Isn't Amazon credit like merchandise credit? I don't think there is a way to transfer them you can use it to buy physical gift cards to Amazon, Southwest Airlines etc, but they do not sell prepaid debit cards. The only way to get cash is to buy a gift card and maybe post if for sale online. I have sold several gift cards on
11/1/2016 2:20:49 PM