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All American
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Strange how much more philosophical the questions and answers are on this issue. She's focused on solving the problem rather than scapegoating a person or group.

1/10/2016 11:40:39 PM

The E Man
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I admire her intent but she backhandedly victim blamed by telling women how they could avoid being assaulted.

Although right wing pundits have gotten carried away with these events, cooler heads have prevailed int he german government and they are treating this as mass sexual assault as opposed to mass sexual assault by muslim foreigners as it would be in many other countries.

1/10/2016 11:55:41 PM

All American
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Yeah, but the German people are definitely treating this as a result of the refugee crisis and racial profiling as a result is becoming more and more frequent across the country. Eventually, there is going to be some sort of political backlash to this.

1/11/2016 6:23:44 AM

The E Man
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What do you mean by "the german people"? A few that you've talked to or heard about? reflections of poll data?

1/12/2016 9:03:24 PM

All American
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Welp, I fully expect the EU to stop accepting any and all refugees following these latest attacks in Brussels.

As if the sexual assaults in Germany and Sweden weren't enough there have now been a couple of bombings directed squarely at civilians. Pretty clearly a direct response to the capture of the last Paris attacker.

3/22/2016 5:24:44 AM

The E Man
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Most of those things never happened.

3/22/2016 5:40:00 AM

All American
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Really? So the two bombings that happened this morning in Brussels are purely coincidental?

The sexual assaults definitely happened too. Which things didn't happen?

3/22/2016 5:59:47 AM

All American
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^ what never happened? the sexual assaults involving some recent/past immigrants did happen. in fact, there were several hundred assaults, i think 600 to 700+.

3/22/2016 6:00:50 AM

The E Man
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there is no reason or information out that should make you believe refugees had anything to do with those bombings. Belgium has a very large population of extremist citizens. The sexual assault myth was busted a long time ago. Most of those were not committed by refugees and were indeed by German citizens. Let it go. It was always a false narrative but now it has been fully uncovered as such.

3/22/2016 6:17:48 AM

All American
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I never said it was refugees responsible for the bombings. It's more likely than not a pocket of radicals currently in Brussels, however the reaction will likely be at least a temporary shut down of the borders.

Also, I'd love to see something about the sexual assaults, I've seen nothing debunking those. looks like most of the suspects are either recent immigrants or asylum seekers.

Sweden has actually come under fire for attempting to cover up immigrant involvement because it could lead to even more xenophobia.

[Edited on March 22, 2016 at 6:28 AM. Reason : Dhdjd]

3/22/2016 6:27:22 AM

All American
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^ yeah exactly, i haven't also seen anything debunking the fact that a big chunk or even a big majority of the assaults were carried out by recent or past immigrants of arab/NA origin.

germany tried to cover it up as well, and that too is a known fact. and then the cologne mayor said something utterly vile: that the women should keep the men at "arm's length".

3/22/2016 6:31:12 AM

The E Man
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nah europe has been fighting each other since the fall of the roman empire

3/22/2016 6:59:03 AM

5608 Posts
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So which narrative wins in this case? "Rape Culture" or "Islamaphobia"?

3/22/2016 3:07:05 PM

All American
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All of the Abrahamic religions have a pretty solid rape culture so it's a toss up.

3/22/2016 4:05:59 PM

All American
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E Man you still have to show something to debunk the assaults being carried out mostly by immigrants past or recent.

You can't claim something and not show evidence, especially when evidence to the contrary has been presented.

3/22/2016 10:01:56 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Quote :
"I admire her intent but she backhandedly victim blamed by telling women how they could avoid being assaulted. "

In Europe, rape culture isn't some trumped up bullshit dreamed up by leftists. You can actually get raped and killed if you go to the wrong places, and there are actually communities of men that believe you are their property (if you're a non-muslim woman).

So, it's really not victim blaming, it's telling people how they can avoid getting killed by savages.

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"All of the Abrahamic religions have a pretty solid rape culture so it's a toss up."

False equivalency. The western world and Christianity in general "grew up", at least to the point of not stoning gays and owning women. The Islamic world hasn't.

Quote :
"So which narrative wins in this case? "Rape Culture" or "Islamaphobia"?"

[Edited on March 23, 2016 at 12:29 PM. Reason : ]

3/23/2016 12:25:18 PM

All American
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People who use the term "regressive left" are normally anti-progressive leftists.

3/23/2016 12:32:26 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Recognition of progressivism's insanity isn't confined to the right. It makes no sense to show "cultural acceptance" towards a culture that hates liberalism and democracy.

3/23/2016 12:38:42 PM

All American
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It's not "cultural acceptance" to decry prejudiced based attacks on Muslims and brown people, or to point out banning Muslims is a dumb idea, or that profiling based on apparent race can't work.

The best way to get people to accept democracy and liberalism is to treat them fairly and show them how these systems can work for them. Demonization and prejudice of masses only can fuel radicalization.

Most of the victims of Islamic terrorism are other Muslims, we can't snuff out extremism without working with these victims. This takes work, but it's necessary work.

3/23/2016 5:16:06 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"It's not "cultural acceptance" to decry prejudiced based attacks on Muslims and brown people, or to point out banning Muslims is a dumb idea, or that profiling based on apparent race can't work. The best way to get people to accept democracy and liberalism is to treat them fairly and show them how these systems can work for them."

LOL “decrying prejudiced attacks on muslims and brown people” isn’t what is being referenced by “cultural acceptance”.

It’s the liberal media covering up rapes and hiding the truth, at the expense of their own women’s safety. It’s bringing in thousands of male, illiterate, peasant-class migrants to a welfare state with unemployment problems already, with no true method to vet them. Then it’s the audacity of liberals to claim that anyone not supporting such a stupid idea is “Xenophobic”.

Despite “Islamaphobia” having arguably the weakest claim (in reality) for status as one of liberalism’s “oppressed victim classes” liberals seem to have put them at the top of their victim hierarchy. It seems women that are rape victims are only allowed status when they are raped by white college males, rather than Muslim migrants. It’s hilarious to me witnessing liberals try to exist within the confines of their conflicting and changing narratives and agendas. Just keep looking to the HuffingtonPost for cues on what to be most outraged by.


3/30/2016 2:31:19 AM

All American
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^ I bet dollars to donuts this paragraph has been written dozens of times throughout history directed at all of our distant relatives.

With that being said, hiding behind religion when you're being an asshole is not ok with me. I have little tolerance for organized religion and anyone who clings to it is low on my list of people im going to waste time defend.

But profiling all white college men or people that look middle eastern bc they do awful shit isn't going to solve anything. It normally pisses of the people being profiled. In the case of white men in most certainly pisses them off.

[Edited on March 30, 2016 at 3:32 AM. Reason : T]

3/30/2016 3:25:23 AM

The E Man
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Quote :
"E Man you still have to show something to debunk the assaults being carried out mostly by immigrants past or recent.

You can't claim something and not show evidence, especially when evidence to the contrary has been presented."

I've seen a ton of stuff saying it wasn't refugees but don't know at this point anymore because i wasn't there. It just depends on who you ask. Every source is biased.
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"In Europe, rape culture isn't some trumped up bullshit dreamed up by leftists. You can actually get raped and killed if you go to the wrong places, and there are actually communities of men that believe you are their property (if you're a non-muslim woman)."

europe is a large continent but in most of western europe no. Its much less likely to happen than it is in the us (I'm assuming thats the reference point we're using) Maybe the story is different in the balkans but I'm not even sure about that.
Quote :
"alse equivalency. The western world and Christianity in general "grew up", at least to the point of not stoning gays and owning women. The Islamic world hasn't."

Have you been to a college campus lately? Rape is all but an official extracurricular activity.

The generalization of "The islamic world" is typical trumpism. Indonesia is the largest muslim nation and is relatively ok with gays (from an nc perspective). Mali, Jordan, Turkey, and Alabania are all also muslim nations where it is legal to be gay.
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" male, illiterate, peasant-class migrants"

There are lots of migrants but I want to make sure it is clear to you that refugees are very different than migrants. Both are going to Germany but when we talk about Syria and Iraq, we are mostly talking about refugees. They are all people though.

Quote :
"It’s hilarious to me witnessing liberals try to exist within the confines of their conflicting and changing narratives and agendas. Just keep looking to the HuffingtonPost for cues on what to be most outraged by."

Its not conflicting. People commit crime. Men rape women. Those things will happen regardless of immigration, class, or relgion

3/30/2016 3:37:41 AM

All American
24527 Posts
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Quote :
"I want to make sure it is clear to you that refugees are very different than migrants. Both are going to Germany but when we talk about Syria and Iraq, we are mostly talking about refugees. They are all people though.

If they have no intent of ever going home, they are not refugees. The majority of what is flowing into Europe right now is migrants, not refugees, and only about 20% of them are coming from Syria or Iraq.

3/30/2016 11:01:34 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
" Have you been to a college campus lately? Rape is all but an official extracurricular activity."

Sure, if we classify “Rape” as “unwanted sexual advances while intoxicated” in a poorly done, vaguely defined, non-scientific study, to perpetuate a liberal myth of victimhood. Sure! I’m surprised so many girls go to college, they might as well call “colleges” RAPE FACTORIES, right liberal idiots?

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" Its not conflicting. "

It absolutely is conflicting.
Liberals pretend to care about “rape culture”, then cover up cases of rape because the current agenda cares more about “islamophobia”. Rape is an “epidemic” unless it is committed by Muslim migrants or Bill Clinton, apparently. #IStandWithConflictingNarratives

Some cultures are better than others, it is that simple. One culture treats women as 2nd class citizens and stones homosexuals, but liberals ignore their previous “values” and turn a blind eye to it for the sake of “multiculturalism”. They will flip shit over a Christian bakery shop not making cupcakes for a homosexual wedding, but welcome migrants that come from a culture where homosexuals are murdered, covering up rape incidents and calling anyone speaking up a “Xenophobe” in typical liberal fashion.

Quote :
"People commit crime. Men rape women. Those things will happen regardless of immigration, class, or relgion"

Then explain the drastic increase of rape occurring in Sweden during the past decade as they have allowed in Muslim immigrants.

[Edited on March 30, 2016 at 11:15 PM. Reason : .]

3/30/2016 11:15:12 PM

All American
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Rape is wrong, discrimination is wrong, islamophobia is wrong, homophobia is wrong, xenophobia is wrong, theocracy is wrong. This isn't hard to understand.

This doesn't have bearing on the fact that helping refugees is the right thing to do. If the refugees have a rape problem, or any issue with the laws, they need to be educated in the same way school kids and college campuses have sex Ed programs that cover rape and sexual assault.

3/31/2016 12:25:53 AM

The E Man
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Poor education is a problem its not necessarily a culture but has more to do with wealth and political stability of a country. Sweden has some of the best education in the world. You could bring in a bunch of american men and see an increase in rape as well.

3/31/2016 1:25:03 AM

All American
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So if you get raped by a dude named Chad at a TKE party it's your fault and if you get raped by a dude named Amhed in Sweden an entire sub-continents inhabitants are to blame?

The connection is both thank a higher power after playing sports.

3/31/2016 7:43:22 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Quote :
"If they have no intent of ever going home, they are not refugees. The majority of what is flowing into Europe right now is migrants, not refugees, and only about 20% of them are coming from Syria or Iraq."

Quote :
"Then explain the drastic increase of rape occurring in Sweden during the past decade as they have allowed in Muslim immigrants."

Doesn't fit the narrative, into the trash it goes.

3/31/2016 10:16:26 AM

All American
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It's funny how exaggerated and/or fabricated assertions about immigrants in sweden raping somehow leads to the conclusion they should ban all muslims, but a creepy guy probably groping a girl at a trump rally is justified in assaulting this same girl.

3/31/2016 1:14:27 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"The BRÅ has not released detailed data on rape committed by immigrants since 1996, but according to that report individuals with an immigrant background made up 53% of all rape convictions between 1985 and 1989."

It's sad how liberals cover up the truth to further their narratives.

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"Rape is wrong, discrimination is wrong, islamophobia is wrong, homophobia is wrong, xenophobia is wrong, theocracy is wrong. This isn't hard to understand."

Discrimination is wrong? What about discriminating against homophobia and rape? What is hard to understand is why, according to liberals, "Xenophobia" is a bigger problem than rape. What is hard to understand, is why liberals cover up the truth, omitting immigrant rape statistics, and then claim any dissonance is "xenophobic". Actually, that part isn't hard to understand... the liberal elite love cheap labor and votes... what is hard to understand is why the non-elite liberals actually go with what the media tells them... then again I have never been too impressed with the cognitive function of SJWs.

3/31/2016 3:39:06 PM

All American
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LOL, no one is covering up rape. You're the one trying to rationalize your racism by veiling it in a feigned concerned about rape.

The overwhelming majority of muslims aren't rapist, the overwhelming majority of immigrants aren't rapist. This is not to say they're definitely good people, but this is a sad, and transparent, line of attack to use to justify racism/xenophobia/white nationalism.

3/31/2016 3:54:59 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"LOL, no one is covering up rape"

Quote :
"The BRÅ has not released detailed data on rape committed by immigrants since 1996"

Straight out of the liberal playbook: If the statistics don't support the narrative, just ignore them. If that doesn't work, just accuse any opposition of racism. All your post needs now Moron is a hashtag. Might I suggest #IStandWithHuffPost

3/31/2016 4:15:12 PM

All American
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LOL, do you think that means they're hiding the data? It means they aggregate it. Isn't this what conservatives always want America to do-- stop talking about race? LOL, you are seriously the dumbest person on TWW, but it's fun to have you around.

[Edited on March 31, 2016 at 4:31 PM. Reason : ]

3/31/2016 4:31:05 PM

5608 Posts
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Calling me "dumb" and "racist" doesn't change the fact that you are wrong.

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"LOL, do you think that means they're hiding the data? "

In Germany, the police chief had to resign after allegations of changing the police report after the Cologne incident for political reasons.

In the case of Sweden, yes they absolutely are. We wouldn't want anyone thinking Sweden isn't a multi-cultural utopia, would we? Let's make it illegal to register people based on ancestry or religion so we can't refer to a rapist by his country of origin, so we can't count which ethnic minority commits what % of rape.

Sweden's population increased by 18.7% since 1975, primarily due to immigration.
Sweden's number of rapes increased by 1,472% since 1975, primarily due to ________.

Looking at individual instances of gang rape in Sweden (Finland Ferry for example), you can see how the media falsely reports incidents as "Swedish men" suspected of rape. In reality, the suspects were Somali Citizens.

But hey, you already have the HuffingtonPost as your homepage, so why would you even question the objectivity in a news source. The liberal media isn't ignoring a problem, it's just a bunch of racist GOP xenophobes that hate poor victimized muslims!

3/31/2016 8:28:27 PM

All American
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So what is your solution JCE?

3/31/2016 9:21:40 PM

5608 Posts
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I think acknowledging the issue, rather than hiding the truth for political purposes, is the first step. I don't think it is "Xenophobic" to suggest rape is bad.

3/31/2016 10:11:43 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Quote :
"Sweden's population increased by 18.7% since 1975, primarily due to immigration.
Sweden's number of rapes increased by 1,472% since 1975, primarily due to ________.

Looking at individual instances of gang rape in Sweden (Finland Ferry for example), you can see how the media falsely reports incidents as "Swedish men" suspected of rape. In reality, the suspects were Somali Citizens."

You may be on to something with the idea that migrants commit rape at a higher rate than naturalized swedish but that still wouldn't indicate that it is because they are from somewhere else. It has more to do with education or lack of education. In the US ~80% of reported rapes are committed by someone who knows the victim but most of these types of rapes go unreported. Migrants are less likely to know the victim and I bet a much higher % of migrant rapes are actually reported in any country. That could skew the statistics you are demanding.

Quote :
" What about discriminating against homophobia and rape? What is hard to understand is why, according to liberals, "Xenophobia" is a bigger problem than rape. "

I don't think anyone thinks xenophobia is a bigger problem than rape but when you try to fix rape by targeting a religion, race or nationality, you are actually perpetuating the problem by using a false scapegoat.

Rape is a part of every culture

4/1/2016 3:53:04 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Quote :
"Rape is a part of every culture"

No, it really isn't. Rape is, for all intents and purposes, universally despised in Western culture. Even being accused of rape in the west can destroy your life.

The cultures are simply not equivalent. The moral relativism from the regressive left is highly destructive. Luckily, many liberals are now understanding this and rejecting the delusion that all cultures are equally good.

4/1/2016 11:06:35 AM

The E Man
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Here are some facts about rape in the U.S.
Quote :
High estimate of the number of women raped, according to the CDC: 1.3 million
Percentage of rapes not reported: 54 percent

A woman’s chance of being raped in the U.S.: 1 in 5

Number of states in which rapists can sue for custody and visitation: 31

Rank of U.S. in the world for rape: 13th

A woman’s chance of being raped in college: 1 in 4 or 5

Percentage of rapists who are never incarcerated: 97 perent

Number of rape kits untested by the Houston police force: 6,000-7,000 (Texas ranked second in nation for “forcible rape”)

Universally despised eh?

4/1/2016 1:04:33 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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All horse shit, guarantee that comes from some progressive rag.

Progressives are digging their own graves by pretending that Western culture and Muslim culture are more or less equivalent. Maybe the adults will be able to prevent said progressives from dragging us all down.

[Edited on April 1, 2016 at 1:12 PM. Reason : ]

4/1/2016 1:11:14 PM

play so hard
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Yah this looks like a super LIBERAL LEFTIST PROGRESSIVE rag to me -

[Edited on April 1, 2016 at 1:15 PM. Reason : But A+ for sounding like Rush talking more about leftists and progressives than anything else.]

4/1/2016 1:14:23 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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It's not the 97% of rapists go free that bugs me (the methodologies on that figure are suspect), it's the 1/4 women are raped stuff. This stuff is not backed up by evidence.

But again, the point of this isn't that no rape happens in the United States. It's that rape is way, way more common and accepted in the Muslim world than in the Western world.

4/1/2016 1:35:45 PM

play so hard
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Well props for not mentioning the word "left" or "progressive" in that post

[Edited on April 1, 2016 at 1:40 PM. Reason : That's what I call progress!]

[Edited on April 1, 2016 at 1:42 PM. Reason : If it's 1 out of 6 women instead of 1 out of 4 is that any more acceptable??]

4/1/2016 1:39:41 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Progressives are digging their own graves by pretending that Western culture and Muslim culture are more or less equivalent."

"muslim culture" is a less distinct concept than "western culture".

I just wish people with a blind hatred of the religion of Islam will just admit they're islamophobes rather than trying to jump through hoops to paint all muslims as rapists and terrorists or whatever. It's pretty sad, and does absolutely nothing to help solve any problems related to terrorism or refugees or cultural advancement.

4/1/2016 1:52:39 PM

All American
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When people talk about muslims on the tww I am assuming they are excluding the millions of muslims in Indonesia and China.

Also you could legally rape your wife in most states well into the 80's.

4/1/2016 2:44:05 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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-I think Islam is a terrible religion (like most religions, including Christianity). I hate all false beliefs as much as one can "hate" an abstraction. I actually just strongly prefer truth over falsehood in general. There's nothing blind about this opposition, it's very calculated and based on rational, secular principles.
-I think most Muslim culture is seriously behind the times in their respect for women, homosexuals, basic human rights in general, etc. Plenty of exceptions, but the trends and polls are extremely clear here.
-Statistics make it clear that the majority of Muslims, even in Western countries, are far more supportive of draconian laws than their native counterparts.

When I refer to "Muslim culture", I'm really talking about "middle eastern muslim culture", I just don't feel like typing that out every time.

4/1/2016 2:54:28 PM

All American
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Quote :
-Statistics make it clear that the majority of Muslims, even in Western countries, are far more supportive of draconian laws than their native counterparts.


If youre referring to the often cited Pew survey, this doesn't make this clear at all, not in any rigorous way, and no one has yet done a significant follow-up study.

For american muslims, they're no worse than Christians:
Protestants are more likely than Muslims to think their religion should be the main source of law in America

Muslims deserve hate proportional to their affect on society, and this effect is non-existent in American society, and most western nations. It's not muslims pushing teaching evolution in science classes, or rewriting text books, or banning comprehensive sex ed, or opposing climate change legislation on religious grounds, or amending constitutions to marginalize gays, or trying to demonize abortion,etc..

The problem with islamophobia is that it's a double standard for religious nuts that causes sikhs, indians, and "good muslims" to have to worry about getting caught up in islamophobic rage.

When "christian-looking" people have to be concerned about their safety and image because of the Christian nuts have real political power now, or that are bombing/shooting up abortion clinics, or committing hate crimes against people they think are muslims, THEN you can scoff at people denouncing islamophobia.

But you can't call yourself rational if you support prejudice against muslims in an effort to curb religiosity.

4/1/2016 3:42:59 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"I just wish people with a blind hatred of the religion of Islam will just admit they're islamophobes rather than trying to jump through hoops to paint all muslims as rapists and terrorists or whatever. It's pretty sad, and does absolutely nothing to help solve any problems related to terrorism or refugees or cultural advancement."

So, for the record... Moron claims the left isn't trying to cover up sexual assault from Muslim migrants... then is proven wrong with 2 examples of it in Germany and Sweden. When confronted with this, he falls back on calling me dumb and racist.

It's an amazing thing, the fragile mind of a SJW. You have media lying in headlines, police reports being doctored all for political reasons, and if you even point that out, it must mean you are a "Xenophobe". Why even reference facts, statistics, reality, when you can just keep accusing the other person of having a "blind hatred of Islam?" I think any remotely objective viewer of this thread can see who the "blind" person is.

4/1/2016 5:15:25 PM

All American
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4/1/2016 5:47:26 PM

All American
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4/2/2016 11:50:28 PM

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