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 Message Boards » » How Dangerous is the 600 block of Martin / Davie? Page [1]  
Sink the Flagship
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Looking at houses in that area and wondering if it's still as dangerous as it used to be. Crime maps don't look that bad compared to the rest of downtown. Anyone know people that live in that area?

Include Hargett in there, too. The cross street would be Swain or Haywood.

12/17/2014 4:31:39 PM

26632 Posts
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i wouldn't say dangerous, but not nice and sometimes sketchy

12/17/2014 5:48:03 PM

Mr. Joshua
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There's new construction at Haywood and Martin. Formerly it was the site of the barbershop in the Petey Pablo video for Raise Up.

12/17/2014 7:14:39 PM

All American
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^ reports are in that Petey Pablo actually did, in fact, eventually take flight (upon spinning his shirt like a helicopter) into obscurity.....

12/17/2014 7:43:22 PM

All American
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600 Block of E Martin is pretty decent.

600 block of E Davie St, not as forgiving

and the site where PP shot his music video is still there. The new construction is just right next to it.. the strip mall at 717 E Martin St is still there and plenty "busy."

12/18/2014 11:43:34 PM

DJ Lauren
All American
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If you find a good deal, I say go for it. Just my thoughts.

12/29/2014 10:27:12 PM

Sink the Flagship
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I did but somebody snagged it before I could see it / offer. You've got to be quick as shit house hunting in downtown Raleigh.

Glenwood Agency was/is asking for more than it looks like it's worth but this was it:

12/30/2014 3:15:03 PM

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If you're into streetwalkers, then that's the front porch to have.

12/30/2014 3:25:10 PM

All American
3942 Posts
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Damn $234k for 1600 sq ft.



12/30/2014 9:17:13 PM

15294 Posts
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Gentrify that shit dawg

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

12/30/2014 11:04:06 PM

All American
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600 block of Hargett is former home to the Disco Grocery and is totally A-OK.

600 block of Martin is okay; it's the 700-800 blocks where most of the illegal activity goes on, but they're not looking to mess with anybody.

600 block of Davie is iffier, but I wouldn't avoid it for a good deal.

12/30/2014 11:46:31 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"and the site where PP shot his music video is still there. The new construction is just right next to it.. the strip mall at 717 E Martin St is still there and plenty "busy.""

I was obviously referring to Pete's Barber & Beauty Shop at 701 E Martin. A gentleman moved an arcade game in front of a doorway so that Petey Pablo could access the bitches in the back room.

Quote :
"600 block of Hargett is former home to the Disco Grocery and is totally A-OK."

712 E Hargett is not in the 600 block.

At times I weep for our shared street cred.

12/31/2014 1:29:19 AM

soup du hier
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What i would say is get a structural engineer or someone who really knows what they are doing to look at houses like this.. these "quick flip" kinda of houses are usually polished turds... Yeah all the dry wall is new and the interior looks good but the foundation is usually sub par with crappy insulation, wood rot, mold problems... all kinds of crap covered up by a drywall artist.

12/31/2014 7:36:16 AM

11097 Posts
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lol, this thread made me go watch the Petey Pablo video.

Mainly to see this:
Quote :
"I was obviously referring to Pete's Barber & Beauty Shop at 701 E Martin. A gentleman moved an arcade game in front of a doorway so that Petey Pablo could access the bitches in the back room. "

[Edited on December 31, 2014 at 8:45 AM. Reason : .]

12/31/2014 8:45:08 AM

Thots and Prayers
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If you buy a house in that area, this is a good lifehack to save for future reference.

[Edited on December 31, 2014 at 10:22 AM. Reason : .]

12/31/2014 10:21:43 AM

Sink the Flagship
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haha great comments all around. I'd rather be in Mordecai or Oakwood / Cooke St. but they're pricier and the ones that I've looked at in my range definitely fall into the "polished turd" category. the market has been a bit dry over the fall and winter but hopefully more quality places will come up in the spring. It kills me that I missed out on so many good properties (looking at recently sold) last spring but I wasn't ready to buy at the time.

12/31/2014 11:17:20 AM

Sink the Flagship
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^^here's a mirror for that video if anyone is interested

12/31/2014 12:47:23 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
14979 Posts
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Sigh. I laughed.

12/31/2014 12:53:59 PM

15294 Posts
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Yeah unfortunately that is hilarious.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

12/31/2014 1:06:13 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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Quote :
"712 E Hargett is not in the 600 block."

See, what had happened was that I always confuse the first digit of my ex's address, and therefore everything is off by a block when I mentally reference said location.

12/31/2014 9:02:28 PM

 Message Boards » The Lounge » How Dangerous is the 600 block of Martin / Davie? Page [1]  
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