I'm not a programmer, but I've had enough C/C++/Java/Perl to stumble my way through modifying code. The problem is the xsl file I have at work is 4000 lines long and not well structured so just being able to visually separate the pieces is a pain in the ass. The xml is generated from a test station that spits out test results and I have a representative example. The current xsl I have doesn't display in a format I like and there are some additional fields in the xml that I'd like to display.I assume there are tools out there that I can bring up the xml/xsl side by side and edit the xsl and see the update on the fly in a browser?
12/13/2014 10:30:02 AM
Try a Web browser with an XSL extension; I found this one for Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/xml-developer-toolbar/I found this one for Chrome, but it doesn't look quite as useful: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/xml-tree/gbammbheopgpmaagmckhpjbfgdfkpadb
12/14/2014 5:37:59 AM