Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
Here is the latest example: 10/30/2014 3:41:27 PM
dtownral Suspended 26632 Posts user info edit post |
there is not enough transparency or security with electronic voting as it currently stands
(and this happens the opposite too, people select democrat and republican is selected. it's not one way)
[Edited on October 30, 2014 at 3:51 PM. Reason : .] 10/30/2014 3:48:48 PM
HockeyRoman All American 11811 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "DEMOCRAT
10/30/2014 8:05:20 PM
rjrumfel All American 23091 Posts user info edit post |
Smath, you know as well as I do that voter fraud is just a myth perpetrated by the Republican party. Because it is completely legit that some districts go through presidential elections without a single Republican vote.
[Edited on October 30, 2014 at 8:48 PM. Reason : jjh] 10/30/2014 8:47:56 PM
HockeyRoman All American 11811 Posts user info edit post |
When someone can show me where it is statistically significant, I will believe that it warrants draconian voter restrictions, cuts, and intimidation, etc. 10/30/2014 9:52:07 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39582 Posts user info edit post |
^^ care to back up that claim? 10/30/2014 9:56:56 PM
dtownral Suspended 26632 Posts user info edit post |
Does rjrumfel never get tired of being so dumb? 10/31/2014 6:20:55 AM
Wyld Stallyn Suspended 1087 Posts user info edit post |
1. He means precincts, not districts.
2. Is it really? Does it shock you that states like WV and OK didn't have a single county vote for Obama? Would it surprise you if a precinct in a rural part of a red state didn't show any Obama votes? 10/31/2014 8:04:44 AM
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
Having to show an ID at the poll is hardly draconian. 10/31/2014 8:14:49 AM
HockeyRoman All American 11811 Posts user info edit post |
And if that were ALL that the bill had contained (and provided they actually intended to properly fund the ID program), then there would not be such a conversation about it. Come on, you're smarter than this... 10/31/2014 8:18:32 AM
dtownral Suspended 26632 Posts user info edit post |
having to show an ID at the poll would not stop the kind of fraud this thread is about or the kind of fraud that rjrumfel is alluding too
(it can really only combat the kind of fraud that happens at such a small rate that it doesn't matter)
[Edited on October 31, 2014 at 8:22 AM. Reason : .] 10/31/2014 8:21:36 AM
y0willy0 All American 7863 Posts user info edit post |
hey didnt that ACORN video guy film some nc democrats trying to get illegals to vote or something 10/31/2014 8:25:31 AM
dtownral Suspended 26632 Posts user info edit post |
50,000 missing voter registrations in Georgia
Quote : | "More than 50,000 of the paper forms submitted by the group seem to be lost in the state’s voting system, Lawyers’ Committee attorney Julie Houk said. They neither appear on voter rolls nor do they show up on lists of “pending” voters who have been asked to provide more information to verify who they are. An additional 5,000 of the forms do appear on pending lists, but Houk said some of the forms show the information originally submitted to be accurate. In other words, the Lawyers’ Committee is questioning why these voters must provide additional proof of identification. The lawsuit, filed late Friday in Fulton County Superior Court, comes after Kemp declined Thursday to meet with the group about their concerns." |
the judge refused to hear the lawsuit 10/31/2014 8:47:53 AM
synapse play so hard 60941 Posts user info edit post |
ITT we learn that Smath thinks a single mis-calibrated voting machine in Illinois is "Systematic Democrat Voter Fraud"
[Edited on October 31, 2014 at 10:06 AM. Reason :]
[Edited on October 31, 2014 at 10:22 AM. Reason : Wonder what he calls this -] 10/31/2014 10:05:17 AM
y0willy0 All American 7863 Posts user info edit post |
its happened in IL, VA, and GA too.
and its always voting for dems, not reps. i understand the error of course, but its a little odd that reps never benefit from it (as mentioned above would be the case if it was random).
probably not a big deal even if true, but odd nonetheless. if you wanted the voter fraud debate to disappear you would do more to police the rare instances tarnishing your reputation.
then you wouldnt have republicans pursing the nuclear option. just my two cents. 10/31/2014 10:32:52 AM
Wyld Stallyn Suspended 1087 Posts user info edit post |
The nuclear option? 10/31/2014 10:50:04 AM
TerdFerguson All American 6603 Posts user info edit post |
Its happening right here in NC, too!!! Surprise, its recording Tillis votes when Hagan was selected:
unfortunately, no republicans on the state board of elections could be found pursuing the "nuclear option." Republicans ran on restoring the integrity of our elections, you'd think they'd be "policing this if they didn't want it to tarnish their reputation." 10/31/2014 10:59:44 AM
y0willy0 All American 7863 Posts user info edit post |
you fucking idiots know what i meant.
unfortunately like all good liberals all you have is snark and safety in numbers.
at least here, that is. keep being cute; it will get you far in life. 10/31/2014 11:44:36 AM
TerdFerguson All American 6603 Posts user info edit post |
Accuse me of snark all you want, you're the one posting falsehoods, and trying to build a "theory" off of it.
Have you ever posted something substantive or analytical in TSB? When you aren't playing grab ass with dtownral, you're the king of dropping into threads with a one sentence reply that basically amounts to "libruls shore are dumb, etc.". It really moves the conversation forward. 10/31/2014 12:01:38 PM
y0willy0 All American 7863 Posts user info edit post |
lol, all you stupid fuckers do is agree with each other and make fun of aaronburro
geniuses i tell you 10/31/2014 12:05:36 PM
moron All American 34517 Posts user info edit post |
This thread is hilarious... i'm pretty sure the exact same allegations get thrown around pretty much every election.
The "vote switching" has always just been a calibration error, it's not a random thing, and you couldn't even really program this into a vote machine anyway (not to mention it's usually been companies owned by conservatives that make the vote machines).
It's possible that the calibration tends to go out in 1 direction more than another, so a clever election official that knows this might put a name at the upper or lower spot depending, but this itself is pretty unlikely, and to my knowledge, not a characteristic of capacitative touch screens. And as anyone knows that owns a phone, if your finger is sweaty or has lotion, that affects how accurate touch sensors are.
There ARE touch sensing mechanisms that don't have this type of problem, why vote machines aren't using them is a good questions.
But this isn't "fraud" it's just bad technology... it's like the butterfly ballots (a bad design).
And I at the insinuations this is somehow validates the wonky ideas rolled into voter ID laws by Republicans. 10/31/2014 12:08:26 PM
TerdFerguson All American 6603 Posts user info edit post |
"Libruls shore are geniuses I tell ya". /snark
You need to take a few steps back and realize you are the absolute worst poster in TSB.
[Edited on October 31, 2014 at 12:10 PM. Reason : ^^] 10/31/2014 12:10:19 PM
y0willy0 All American 7863 Posts user info edit post |
^^1 turd closes the swimming pool, sorry
[Edited on October 31, 2014 at 12:10 PM. Reason : ^hahaha, ok] 10/31/2014 12:10:25 PM
Bullet All American 28661 Posts user info edit post |
wasn't there already a thread with multiple pages about this? 10/31/2014 12:16:05 PM
y0willy0 All American 7863 Posts user info edit post |
there is one every election cycle because it happens every election cycle 10/31/2014 12:25:36 PM
Wyld Stallyn Suspended 1087 Posts user info edit post |
People who work (aka Republicans) should get 2 votes.
If you can work but are on welfare instead (food stamps, unemployment, "didabilities") get no votes bc they will just vote themselves more money. 10/31/2014 1:17:21 PM
Bullet All American 28661 Posts user info edit post |
Do you really think everyone in TSB is stupid?
Do you really think you're that much smarter than everyone? 10/31/2014 1:25:48 PM
eyewall41 All American 2269 Posts user info edit post |
Yes the ACORN guys was trying to bait people again. He has been proven to be a snake oil salesman with clever editing etc. in fact he had to pay out 100k in a lawsuit relating to those videos. Anyway the NC voter ID law goes well beyond the ID itself and I still want to know how it's dark money provision protects the vote. 11/1/2014 10:01:36 AM
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post | 11/1/2014 11:00:43 AM
Kurtis636 All American 14984 Posts user info edit post |
Oh come on, it doesn't matter one fucking bit who you vote for. They're all just slight variations of the same person that has been in office for the last 50 years. You have no choice in the matter as long as you continue to vote D or R and let them control who appears on the ballots.
Our system is a poorly disguised sham and all you're doing is arguing over whether you'd rather be drowned or burned to death. 11/1/2014 11:03:08 AM
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
dtownral Suspended 26632 Posts user info edit post |
Democrats are systemically changing votes for Hagan to votes for Tillis, being reported in multiple precincts and counties. 11/2/2014 7:33:04 PM
rjrumfel All American 23091 Posts user info edit post |
huh? 11/2/2014 7:44:03 PM
Wyld Stallyn Suspended 1087 Posts user info edit post |
Democrats are clogging up voting lines with large fat people to make it longer and harder to vote. This was documented by me last week at my polling place, which is NOT Arby's. 11/2/2014 8:06:34 PM
dtownral Suspended 26632 Posts user info edit post |
^^Democrats are changing votes on electronic voting machines from Hagan to Tillis in multiple precincts and counties in NC 11/2/2014 8:09:49 PM
rjrumfel All American 23091 Posts user info edit post |
Are you trolling or is that really happening? And why would they do that if you aren't trolling. 11/2/2014 8:37:42 PM
dtownral Suspended 26632 Posts user info edit post |
Do you not have Google? 11/2/2014 8:39:10 PM
y0willy0 All American 7863 Posts user info edit post |
there has been at least one report in guilford county of someone punching hagan and it registers a vote for tillis.
dtownral is trying to be funny given the title of this thread; democrats being responsible for this machine as well.
keep up dude. 11/3/2014 8:48:49 AM
Wyld Stallyn Suspended 1087 Posts user info edit post |
It has been CONFIRMED that Democrats are selling extra votes for Kay Kagan with a purchase of a Beef n Cheddar or equal or lesser value. 11/3/2014 9:35:50 AM
HockeyRoman All American 11811 Posts user info edit post |
State Sen. Josh Stein's father was "caught" electioneering right outside the door of a polling place!!!1 Obvious Democrat election FRAUD is obvious! 11/3/2014 11:08:39 AM
Wyld Stallyn Suspended 1087 Posts user info edit post |
He should be in prison. Is someone doing anything about it. 11/3/2014 11:36:58 AM
eyewall41 All American 2269 Posts user info edit post |
GREENSBORO — Another Guilford County voter has reported having problems casting a vote for a U.S. Senate candidate.
Percy Bostick, 69, of Greensboro said he tried casting a vote for Democrat Kay Hagan at the Old Guilford County Courthouse, only to have the machine register Republican Thom Tillis as his choice.
“I called one of the poll workers over,” Bostick said. “She said do it again. And again, I touched the screen at the proper place for Kay Hagan, and it again reported it for Thom Tillis.”
[Edited on November 3, 2014 at 3:10 PM. Reason : .] 11/3/2014 3:09:42 PM
jbtilley All American 12803 Posts user info edit post |
Poorly calibrated touchscreens or conspiracy.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to gerrymander some districts. 11/4/2014 2:33:47 PM
OopsPowSrprs All American 8383 Posts user info edit post |
These cunning fraud techniques don't seem very effective.
[Edited on November 4, 2014 at 2:39 PM. Reason : They keep getting caught. Maybe try something different] 11/4/2014 2:38:56 PM
moron All American 34517 Posts user info edit post |
I see the problem... he's 69. A young person would have known to just tap a different spot. 11/4/2014 3:07:31 PM
Str8BacardiL ************ 41759 Posts user info edit post |
There should be a paper backup of all ballots.
Electronic Voting Machines are Stupid. 11/4/2014 8:44:20 PM
Str8BacardiL ************ 41759 Posts user info edit post |
The Democrats had a candy bowl on their table outside of the polling place.
FUCKING VOTE BRIBERS 11/4/2014 9:12:58 PM
rjrumfel All American 23091 Posts user info edit post |
My polling location didn't have electronic ballots.
We just bubbled in a scantron and put it in this thing that sucked it in, at which point I believe a midget inside counts the votes. 11/4/2014 9:25:42 PM
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
I had the scantrons too ... It took me forever 11/5/2014 7:14:14 AM