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 Message Boards » » How Water Fluoridation Contributes to Civil War Page [1]  
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9/9/2014 7:10:07 AM

All American
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9/9/2014 8:09:53 AM

26632 Posts
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Fact 1: You have to put drops in tap water to treat it before giving it to pet turtles
Fact 2: Lizard people are real
Fact 3: Lizards are kinda related to turtles or something
Fact 4: Chlorine and fluoride are both poisons that are added to our drinking water

Undeniable conclusion: Removing fluoride from tap water will make it easier for the lizard people to invade and takeover earth

Undeniable corollary 1: We should leave fluoride in tap water to stop lizard people.

9/9/2014 8:52:28 AM

All American
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I haven't watched the video, but I was under the impression that the poisoning of the Mohawk/Iroquois/natives of New York was due to aluminum smelting, not the addition of fluoride to drinking water which is what the article seems to be suggetsting.

The dose makes the poison and there is a huge difference between smelting hundreds of pounds of aluminum an hour and releasing the byproducts wherever, and adding much smaller concentrations of fluoride to drinking water.

9/9/2014 9:12:59 AM

26632 Posts
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the most important fact is that flouride air emissions from aluminum smelting has absolutely nothing to do with fluoridation of drinking water, Akwesasne is not polluted because of fluoridation but because its on a heavily industrialized river and we had, and continue to have, inadequate regulation and controls for industrial pollution. they also have major PCB contamination and every other common industrial pollution, it's surrounded by all the worst kinds of heavy industry

9/9/2014 9:25:14 AM

176 Posts
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1) You can't control the dose when you simply dump fluoride in the water supply.
2) Yes, aluminum smelting was to blame for the poisoning of the natives. Materially it is very similar to the policy of fluoridating the water supply, which sources the fluoride from aluminum smelting. There is a difference in degree, but the overall effect is present. The point is the adverse health effects experienced by both realities, and how this degrades the economic condition to the point of violence & crime.

[Edited on September 9, 2014 at 9:28 AM. Reason : diction]

9/9/2014 9:26:43 AM

26632 Posts
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1) yes, you can actually, and it's checked to confirm the amount. you even have those water quality reports posted on your site.

2) it's actually not even close to being materially indifferent, it's materially very different

3) why do you want the lizard people to take over? without that aluminum smelting the lizard people would probably have killed all of the mohawks and taken over their tribe by now.

[Edited on September 9, 2014 at 9:29 AM. Reason : i bet you are a lizard person, it's so obvious]

9/9/2014 9:28:46 AM

All American
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Quote :
"First, the live stock experienced crippling skeletal fluorosis which left some unable to do more than crawl on their knees."

Citation? Do the billions of other livestock animals in our country get non-fluoridated water?

Quote :
"The population also suffered from a broad, average shift downward in the collective IQ"


Quote :
"since fluoridation bio-accumulates"

Is bio-accumulation different than accumulation? Also, citation?

Quote :
"happens to be a human neurotoxin. "

I don't think you know what a neurotoxin is.

Quote :
"This lead to a doubling of the number of mentally handicapped dependents & a halving of the number of geniuses present in their community."


9/9/2014 9:32:27 AM

All American
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9/9/2014 9:33:58 AM

26632 Posts
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bioaccumulation is a real thing. you will also see the term biomagnification. fluoride does bioaccumulate. they usually look at it in shellfish, most are pretty tolerant. plenty of healthy freshwater ecosystems have naturally occuring flouride orders of magnitude higher than your drinking water.

... and it has nothing to do with the Mohawk people

What does effect the Mohawk people is fluoride pollution, which is actually a real issue. Fluoridation of drinking water is not a source of fluoride pollution.

[Edited on September 9, 2014 at 9:51 AM. Reason : lizards]

9/9/2014 9:37:25 AM

All American
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I found during my limited research that organic fluoride compounds accumulate.

9/9/2014 9:39:36 AM

45912 Posts
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Quote :
" You can't control the dose when you simply dump fluoride in the water supply. "


9/9/2014 9:43:55 AM

26632 Posts
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this morning i tried to put some cream in my coffee but because there is no way to control the amounts i ended up drinking mountain dew instead

9/9/2014 9:50:14 AM

176 Posts
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For the idiots who don't understand the difference between DOSE & CONCENTRATION LEVEL, let me explain:

Even if the "public health authorities" add precisely 1 part per million sodium fluoride to the overall public water supply, they cannot control the DOSE one recieves because everyone drinks a different amount of water which contains 1 part per million fluoride.

1 part per million is the concentration level.
The amount of water you drink, determines the dose.

When medication is applied, dosage must be measured. The administrator of the medicine is supposed to be licensed & educated to determine what dosage is appropriate. Since the water department in this case, is an unlicensed person with no medical knowledge applying medication to the WATER (not the people directly) - they are unable to control the dose one receives.

It should also be noted, that fluoride is highly corrosive & can be absorbed through the skin. We bathe in it, in addition to drinking it, so any attempt to claim the government's precise application of fluoride to the water supply is "controlling the dose" is immediately bunk!

9/9/2014 9:54:31 AM

play so hard
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Quote :
"fluoride is highly corrosive"


9/9/2014 9:56:57 AM

26632 Posts
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infants on formula are the only ones who come anywhere close to exceeding the total dietary exposure, and there are still no health effects evident at that level

and this has absolutely nothing to do with fluoride pollution from aluminum smelting or PCB contamination

you are trying to remove fluoride because it irritates your lizard skin

9/9/2014 9:57:57 AM

All American
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If you don't want to drink flouridated water, go to your local Wal-mart, or Walgreens, or Whole Foods or Fresh Market or Lowe's foods, and buy water that doesn't have flouride in it. Or do you think the government owes you?

9/9/2014 10:02:21 AM

All American
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I can't stand him, but dtownral has been pretty entertaining ITT.

Nothing like batshit crazy conspiracy theorists to unite a couple of partisan hacks. If only for a little while.

Here in America, we've traded sedation + guns for non-sedation + bad teeth, since Europe doesn't have guns, they don't need sedation. Obviously.

9/9/2014 10:04:57 AM

26632 Posts
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he could also drill a well

... and drink water that still has naturally occurring fluoride (plus arsenic and other stuff that are not present in municipal water)

[Edited on September 9, 2014 at 10:08 AM. Reason : .]

9/9/2014 10:06:49 AM

176 Posts
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Lol @ moron synapse saying Fluoride is not corrosive.

I've also been to the water plant in Durham, & the fluoride mixing tank is LABELED corrosive. - Fluoride spill eats through concrete - Fluoride tank in Durham labeled corrosive.

9/9/2014 10:12:32 AM

26632 Posts
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it probably starts around 25%, it is very corrosive at that concentration

... but then it is then diluted something like 1:300,000 and has negligible effects on the drinking water pH (and they could always buffer the pH if they needed to even if it was actually enough to drop the pH... but it's not)

[Edited on September 9, 2014 at 10:20 AM. Reason : durrr, if bleach is corrosive why haven't my clothes dissolved? durrr]

9/9/2014 10:17:07 AM

26632 Posts
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proof that lizards can't drink tap water. thegoldenrul is afraid of tap water.

thegoldenrul IS A LIZARD PERSON!

[Edited on September 9, 2014 at 10:22 AM. Reason : Alilynn proves it!!!]

9/9/2014 10:22:05 AM

45912 Posts
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You obviously do not realize, that the concentrations of chemicals added to water are based upon not only the concentration needed to have their intended primary effects, but also to ensure that DOSAGES are safe for human contact. You'd likely die of water intoxication long before an adult could get OD'd on fluoride from drinking water.

9/9/2014 10:52:25 AM

All American
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All he's going to tell you is that that is what the government would like you to think.

Also, has anyone brought up how annoying the headline text is on that website? It hurts to read it.

[Edited on September 9, 2014 at 11:24 AM. Reason : asdfa]

9/9/2014 11:11:04 AM

All American
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9/9/2014 11:29:22 AM

176 Posts
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Thanks for the feedback on the heading fonts...I changed them hopefully they are more pleasing to the eye.

9/9/2014 12:29:04 PM

All American
28661 Posts
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Okay, seriously, i have a few questions about the article.

1. "First, the live stock experienced crippling skeletal fluorosis which left some unable to do more than crawl on their knees." In the beginning of the article you state that what's happening to these native american's is a microcosm of what's happening to American society. Is there evidence that our livestock is experiencing crippling skeletal f'ourosis? Or the American public is?
2. "This lead to a doubling of the number of mentally handicapped dependents & a halving of the number of geniuses present in their community." What is this based on? Is there evidence that this is happening to american society as a whole?
3. Do you seriously think it's fair to compare adding minsiclue amounts of fluoride to drinking water to industrial pollution?

[Edited on September 9, 2014 at 12:37 PM. Reason : ]

9/9/2014 12:30:19 PM

All American
52920 Posts
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Do you guys want to keep clubbing this baby seal yet again, or should I administer the coup de grace?

9/9/2014 12:39:56 PM

26632 Posts
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I just re-installed Sid Meier's Gettysburg!

there is no fluoride anywhere, this thread is lies!

9/9/2014 12:41:41 PM

All American
52920 Posts
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Fuck this, there's already another thread for it. Make fun of this fucking dumbass in the lounge for everyone to see.

9/9/2014 12:44:37 PM

All American
28661 Posts
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i must admit, i do find this fascinating

9/9/2014 12:44:48 PM

 Message Boards » The Soap Box » How Water Fluoridation Contributes to Civil War Page [1]  
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