Which is more difficult to bring up at the dinner table?I don’t believe in god, but was raised Catholic so my family would be more disappointed if i did porn. synapse, tell all your stories from those Bryan Singer parties too.You?
4/19/2014 11:36:01 PM
If i said either one of these things my dad would be so proud it would probably make up for my mom's disappointment. Which, now I think about it, is a pretty common tradeoff in my family
4/20/2014 12:49:05 AM
I've always wondered how that works with porn, or people working at adult video stores/Adam & Eve. I don't know how I would break the news to my extended family, if I worked at an adult video store.
4/20/2014 1:37:38 AM
Doing porn. Family would not approve. But I could bring a dozen porn stars to Christmas dinner, and my mother would compliment their tattoos and apologize for not having any good drugs on hand.
4/20/2014 2:28:24 AM
did someone mention dinner?
4/20/2014 2:23:29 PM