I'm going to be here for summer session II, so I have to take some classes. I am definitely going to get MA 225 and MA 341 out of the way now, but I've been thinking about taking another class. I have the choice between an elective like PHI 205 (or equivalent) or MA 405. I have heard that taking MA 341 and MA 405 together is a good idea, but I have also heard that taking MA 225 before MA 405 is a good idea. Is taking 9 credit hours during the summer too much? If not, would taking MA 405 be a good or bad idea? Any other help? Thanks!
3/3/2014 6:30:12 PM
Taking 3 classes during a summer session will be like having a full time job. Don't underestimate the time sink of summer classes. They move very fast so you have to really stay on top of things.
3/4/2014 11:08:43 AM
You will have to get a form signed by your adviser to take that many hours FYII hope you don't plan on working or doing anything else for five weeks. I wouldn't do it because at least one of your classes will suffer as a result of the other two. It's much easier to take 21 hours in a regular semester than it is to take 9 in a summer session (not to mention cheaper).
3/6/2014 11:35:18 PM
I don't have to worry about the costs, a job, or anything else. It's a part of a program, which I will be a mentor of. I know what I have to do daily for the program, and I have that time set aside. I have talked to my adviser already, but he doesn't have any knowledge about summer courses (he's not a professor. only a researcher). I have no plans for anything but my classes and the program, and I don't plan on taking more than 15 credit hours during a full semester because that's too much for too long. I can handle short bursts of heavy work and do fine, but elongated periods of excessive classes is too much. If I take three classes, MA 225 from 8:30-9:30, MA 405 from 9:30-11:20, and MA 241 from 11:40 -1:10, and I set aside 2 hrs for each class every day to do homework/study. I will have time set aside for exercising/working out, eating, program duties, relaxing, sleeping, etc. Is this too much even if I follow through with my schedule?
3/7/2014 12:58:21 PM
if you just want to pass and don't care about grades it should be fine
3/7/2014 1:24:11 PM