2/12/2014 5:14:42 AM
if that's true, that might just be the saddest thing I've ever seen
2/12/2014 9:27:30 AM
internet pity... just what everyone wants for their birthday. this is bound to help his social status.
2/12/2014 9:44:28 AM
yea I'm not sure the mom doing this was such a great idea. if anything it will make the teasing worse
2/12/2014 9:53:31 AM
Instead of this pity business, you're supposed to talk to other parents and recruit other weird kids to hang out with him. Buy him a PS4 and a trampoline. If he's really, really weird, then you get tickets to sporting events and movies and stuff so he doesn't have to do much talking.
2/12/2014 12:08:21 PM
what a little douche.
2/12/2014 4:56:02 PM
wow you kids, yes I said kids....are brutal.
2/12/2014 8:47:49 PM