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 Message Boards » » EAP-- Employee Assistance Program Page [1]  
All American
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Has anyone used it before? Is it good?


*** cares about the well-being of its employees. Our commitment to promoting positive mental and emotional wellness has led us to establish an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The EAP provides you and your and eligible dependents the opportunity to receive confidential professional assistance for difficult issues you are experiencing at home or work. The EAP offers consultation, support and counseling to assist in feeling healthier and being more productive.

The EAP counselor can help you locate the source of an issue and develop a plan of action. You and your dependents may use the EAP for up to six (6) sessions free per incident. If a problem requires ongoing or specialized treatment, the counselor will refer you to a resource in the community that has been screened by specialty and for quality of service.


This program is private and confidential. What you discuss with an EAP counselor is confidential in accordance with professional ethical guidelines and state laws.


EAP counselors are trained to assist and refer in many areas.

Marital or Family
Caretaker/Aging Parent/Eldercare
Parenting Skills
Stress Management
Divorce/Step Families
Health and Lifestyle Enhancement
Work Pressures
Anger Management
Legal or Financial Referrals
Drug or Alcohol Abuse
Mental Health Concerns
Support Group Referrals

All services are provided by Anthem EAP, a firm specializing in the management of Employee Assistance Programs.

Anthem's counselors are experienced professionals licensed or certified, as required, in each state. They have specialized training in personal and family problems, drug and alcohol abuse, emotional concerns, and work related issues.


Employees and eligible dependents may call the EAP directly at (800) 999-7222Call: (800) 999-7222Call: (800) 999-7222. An appointment will be made with you to discuss your situation. Your convenience and privacy are primary considerations.

Consultants are available on a 24-hour basis for emergency or urgent situations. For non-emergency appointments, call between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. EAP services can be arranged on-site at Qualcomm or wherever you are located throughout the United States. Appointments are also available in the evening and on Saturday.


Supervisors may refer employees to the EAP. Employees occasionally may exhibit performance problems which are observed by their supervisor. On these occasions a referral to the professional and confidential EAP services can be suggested.

Employees may be referred to the EAP by Human Resources as part of Qualcomm's Drug Awareness Program or other work related programs.


There are no fees to employees or their eligible dependents for services provided by the EAP. When ongoing counseling or specialized services are necessary, you will be referred to an appropriate resource in the community. You will be responsible for paying these fees. Your group health plan may cover a part of the services associated with mental health or chemical dependency.

Inappropriate, unnecessary, or unusually costly treatment may be avoided by seeking a consultation with the EAP before arranging treatment on your own. The EAP may provide up to six visits per incident each year at no cost to you.

1/7/2014 5:10:26 PM

All American
15446 Posts
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Depends on your problem, and depends on the facilitator. I haven't personally used one, but with anything no two programs will be alike..

1/7/2014 9:44:10 PM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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So shoot finally got a job?

1/8/2014 10:09:09 AM

All American
23525 Posts
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Quote :

Quote :
"(800) 999-7222"

you oughta call and ask if they can help you not be a pitiful fakeass alias

1/8/2014 10:14:40 AM

All American
11472 Posts
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Companies use EAPs so that they can monitor which employees have major personal issues and then they can systematically terminate those employees. No one wants a bunch of loonies working for their business.

1/8/2014 3:07:57 PM

Garage Mod
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if you get put on EAP or PIP then start looking for another job.

1/8/2014 3:09:24 PM

All American
7755 Posts
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EAP isn't necessarily a bad thing. I honestly would rather see somebody seek help and acknowledge that they are having a problem than have them not acknowledged it and not get help.

I think a lot of it can also be the employees approach/timeline to EAP. Did you enter or use the program on your own based on your own concerns/problems? Or has your work suffered to the point that your doing it because of performance, conduct, or other issues management has brought up? The first shows more awareness.

EAP can also be an resource to stop personal issues form spilling out into work place and onto co-workers (who may or may not want to hear about it or get involved). Your difficult problem with your dog/cat/girlfriend/sister/grandmother/ex shouldn't be the topic or focus when your at work. Even your "friendly" co-workers may not have the time or may find it awkward to engage you about personal issues. When shit gets bad at home, people may need an outlet... Many move it to work, EAP keeps it out of the office.

my 2 cents

1/8/2014 9:55:12 PM

All American
14180 Posts
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Not participating in the Secret Santa even though someone mailed you something isn't necessarily a bad thing. I honestly would rather see somebody seek help and acknowledge that they are having a problem than have them not acknowledged it and not get help.

I think a lot of it can also be the user's approach/timeline to not participating in the Secret Santa even though someone mailed you something. Did you enter or use the program on your own based on your own concerns/problems? Or has your posting suffered to the point that you're doing it because of performance, conduct, or other issues TWW has brought up? The first shows more awareness.

Not participating in the Secret Santa even though someone mailed you something can also be an resource to stop personal issues form spilling out into the forum and onto fellow posters (who may or may not want to hear about it or get involved). Your difficult problem with your dog/cat/girlfriend/sister/grandmother/ex shouldn't be the topic or focus when you're on TWW. Even your "friendly" users may not have the time or may find it awkward to engage you about personal issues. When shit gets bad at home, people may need an outlet... Many move it to TWW, not participating in the Secret Santa even though someone mailed you something keeps it out of the forum.

[Edited on January 10, 2014 at 1:06 PM. Reason : my 2 cents]

1/10/2014 1:03:41 PM

All American
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1/10/2014 10:27:11 PM

All American
7611 Posts
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Went there today. I feel good. And we made two more appointments for the next two weeks.

1/14/2014 1:41:01 PM

 Message Boards » The Lounge » EAP-- Employee Assistance Program Page [1]  
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