I went shoe shopping in Garner earlier today at the Kroger shopping center and saw this when I arrived. It had just happened not that long ago.
11/10/2013 5:05:16 PM
oh gurl, is dem nikes half off? *crash*
11/10/2013 5:07:17 PM
^My thought too.
11/10/2013 10:31:36 PM
I just heard it went inside of target too.
11/11/2013 9:37:45 AM
well, it is the holidays
11/11/2013 9:40:19 AM
Deer are beautiful animals. They are also delicious. But more than anything else, deer are fucking assholes.When I lived in NY, that area was overrun by deer (until hunting season). It was a common occurence to wake up to find the deer had kicked over my mailbox, eaten the bark off a tree in my yard, and trampled the flowers. Nothing worked to deter them until I put bloodmeal down.
11/11/2013 9:45:10 AM
Deer are pests. I hope whatever shoes it got were the wrong size and it loses the receipt before returning them.
11/11/2013 10:27:37 AM
deer pls.
11/11/2013 11:54:37 AM