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 Message Boards » » Savannah, GA Page [1]  
Douche Bag
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So, I'm going down to Savannah, GA for about 24 hours for business. I've never been before. Other than the bar scene, what should I do or where should I visit?

9/22/2013 4:58:51 PM

All American
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As far as things to do...

IMO any more than 2 or 3 nights in Savannah would be too much. There is a lot to see, but once you see so many squares, historic house of some guy you might remember from history class, art galleries, and bars it all seems to lose its luster a bit. My girl and I took a trolley tour one day which is a good way to see where everything is and the places you might want to go back to. We used it as a bar hopping tool. Would get off at one stop, imbibe a few beers, get back on, and head to the next watering hole. City Market is a good place for art galleries and food. River St is obvious. Tons of bars, restaurants, and shops. Tubby's on River St. above Huey's was a good place to grab a beer and overlook the river at their outside bar. The Bohemian? Hotel along River St. has a rooftop bar. You don't have to be staying at the hotel to use it. Great views. We went up there during day and nighttime. Other parts of town...there is a toursity shopping district your wife might be interested in. I forget what street it was on because we didn't spend much time there. Has a lot of the chain crap and kinda cool boutiques too. One place I recommend everyone would go is Goose Feathers for breakfast/brunch/lunch. Look it up on tripadvisor. We got lunch there and it was the tits.

Oh and you can get a drink somewhere and they'll put it in a to-go cup for you and you can walk around town with it. Seriously underrated luxury.

9/22/2013 5:00:55 PM

All American
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Carlito's on MLK has the youngest, drunkest girls in town. Just sayin.

[Edited on September 22, 2013 at 11:33 PM. Reason : ...but don't eat there.]

9/22/2013 11:33:13 PM

All American
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Savannah is like a mini version of Charleston. I've been there b4.

9/22/2013 11:39:33 PM

All American
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Going there for the first time this weekend with the mrs.

Any suggestions?

We were thinking of going up to Hilton Head to hit the beach one of the days. Is this a good idea or is there a better beach closer to Savannah. I'm guessing the water will be frigid either way

3/2/2015 8:27:11 PM

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If Mrs. Wilkes is open go there.

4/1/2015 1:46:20 AM

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