This is the ingenious name that some committee came up with for Greenville's "celebration of women" festival at the city's convention center this fall. Basically, it will be a bunch of booths with jewelry and such, but it's like someone recommended the name as a joke and everyone else on the committee loved it. Carry on. Just tired of the TV screaming "REGISTER FOR IN THE PINK NOW!!!"
7/17/2013 7:25:33 PM
its shocking that they settled on that name
7/17/2013 7:27:35 PM
2_ 1 in the stink
7/17/2013 7:28:12 PM
We gotta figure out how to get "1 In the Stick" LOLfucking greenville people sometimes.
7/17/2013 7:53:07 PM
OneInThe Stick
7/17/2013 8:38:30 PM