tchenku midshipman 18598 Posts user info edit post |
does it need a tag? Google is not helping; neither is NCDMV's site
my logic is that if it has a tag, it needs sticker/inspection, and if it needs that, it needs insurance to drive to the inspection station.
so I'm thinking no, it does not need a tag 6/27/2013 9:31:18 PM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
if you don't use it on public roads, then no, of course not 6/27/2013 9:34:40 PM
tchenku midshipman 18598 Posts user info edit post |
well you know... laws can get pretty stupid  6/27/2013 9:39:32 PM
smoothcrim Universal Magnetic! 18976 Posts user info edit post |
technically if it COULD be driven on the road, it's supposed to be registered. tag is for road use. that's why i always leave my race bike titles open, because fuck taxes on something that never sees use inside the state borders. 6/27/2013 10:12:45 PM
smc All American 9221 Posts user info edit post |
You have to pay highway use tax($100+) to put the title into your name, even if you don't buy a license plate. And I suppose you don't really own the car unless you put the title in your name. I don't think you have to pay any tax bills after that point though, as long as you don't put a plate on the car. 6/27/2013 10:29:26 PM
smoothcrim Universal Magnetic! 18976 Posts user info edit post |
you have to pay yearly registration, even if you don't have a tag 6/28/2013 12:10:58 AM
Dr Pepper All American 3583 Posts user info edit post |
if it's purely a trailer queen then nothing needed 6/28/2013 7:22:20 AM
Skack All American 31140 Posts user info edit post |
Nothing yearly, but you do have to pay the the HUT that SMC mentioned when you do the title transfer. What a ripoff. There's no logical reason for a person who isn't getting a license plate to pay a "Highway Use Tax".
[Edited on June 28, 2013 at 9:50 AM. Reason : s] 6/28/2013 9:49:48 AM
smoothcrim Universal Magnetic! 18976 Posts user info edit post |
hmm, that's what they told me at the DMV. that's why I didn't register my track bikes. if I only had to pay tax once that would have been fine 6/28/2013 10:22:03 AM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
property tax is not the same as registration 6/28/2013 1:47:09 PM
benXJ All American 925 Posts user info edit post |
if it will be only used off road, then no plate and no insurance is necessary
when getting the title transfered, the only thing you won't pay is the plate fee
doesn't have to be inspected
if the title is in your name, you will get a yearly property tax bill but not have to pay a yearly plate renewal tax
[Edited on June 28, 2013 at 10:48 PM. Reason : asd] 6/28/2013 10:47:47 PM
optmusprimer All American 30318 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "if the title is in your name, you will get a yearly property tax bill " |
To my knowledge, the DMV does not handle property tax, that would be left up to the county that you live in. 7/1/2013 11:18:13 AM
smoothcrim Universal Magnetic! 18976 Posts user info edit post |
^^ right, that's what I was trying to articulate. you pay a yearly property tax if it's in your name, whether plated or not. if you never register it, you're good to go and don't pay anything ever. 7/1/2013 11:20:16 AM
smc All American 9221 Posts user info edit post |
I think the counties use the DMV records for property tax, and for some reason if you don't have a tag the vehicle doesn't get reported to the county. Maybe it's an honor system thing, I'm really not sure. 7/1/2013 11:21:16 AM