6/4/2013 9:02:13 PM
http://fieldworkinstilettos.com/2013/05/29/do-i-look-like-a-baby-killer/Another good column on PP.Not sure why people hate them so much... i get some feel attacking them meets some goal, but they don't seem to give a rat's ass about all the people hurt by right-wing antics. pretty sickening.
6/4/2013 11:13:57 PM
I don't understand hashtags.
6/5/2013 8:06:23 AM
While I'm all for abortions, I want PP to cut out nonsense like this:
6/5/2013 8:17:53 AM
6/5/2013 8:40:07 AM
Although there are clinics like PP that will do it for cheaper, the lowest you can usually get one at a hospital for is around $500, and I'm talking about first trimester. Of course everything is inflated at hospitals these days and perhaps the fair price of the most simple case should be around $350. That's your best case for "not very involved".Of course I'm only speaking about the floor, and even state level politics can push that number up. If you're in Kansas I'm sure it would cost a small fortune.
6/5/2013 8:51:37 AM
When they say women's health care, they mean they provide care for things that specifically affect women. There's nothing misleading about this at all unless when you see "women's health care," you don't associate it with reproductive health and things primarily involving vaginas.
6/5/2013 10:46:57 AM
^^ i meant as far as the procedure, most of them are not really more involved than a check-up.
6/5/2013 10:55:31 AM
6/5/2013 11:55:15 AM
I'm not very clear about your distinction, you seem to be agreeing with the post you are arguing about
6/5/2013 11:59:05 AM
Abortions are cheap and don't take very long. Don't ask how I know.
6/5/2013 11:59:07 AM
^^ ah, well I guess there was a negative marker that I missed.
6/5/2013 12:02:17 PM
The war against PP is one of the dumbest things I've seen. But so are most of the wars Republicans are fighting now.The reasons I'm no longer a Republican.
6/5/2013 1:03:07 PM